Prawn to Be Wild: A Science Treasure Hunt is a family-friendly activity exploring how science is used in Australia’s Northern Prawn Fishery. Families will collect a treasure map and work sheet from the registration point. The map will guide participants to complete a series of science-based activities at locations within the Peninsula Lawns. Navigate the…
Topic: Environment and Nature
The Emmaus ELC Science Week Extravaganza
Our National Science Week Extravaganza will include: bubble experiment – looking at the effects of surface tension, gravity, and force sink or float experiment – looking at density and whether a range of different fruits sink or float in different mediums (water, sugar solution, salt solution) composting display – looking at the decomposition of…
Rhodes Science Fair
Do you have a budding scientist at home? Perhaps a botanist, physicist, or astronomer? Join City of Canada Bay Libraries this National Science Week for a fun-filled day of talks, demonstrations, and hands-on activities for all ages! Whether you want to learn more about the critters in your own backyard, explore the wonders of the stars above…
Scouts Physics STE(A)M Challenge
STEM Leaders from across Australia are partnering with Fizzics Education, to deliver SciScouts: Physics! Celebrate National Science Week by adding STEM activities to your Term 3 program. Join Scouts from all around Australia for our program in August. We are currently preparing some fantastic physics resources ready for you to run with your unit. Inspired?…
Lambert School Annual Science Quiz
A science quiz for everyone at lambert School. Fill in the answers over the course of National Science Week. Winner receives a prize tailored to their science interests (usually a book).
The Fabulous, Freaky, and Fierce World of Female Reproduction
Think the vagina is a simple tube? Think again. Come and explore our 3D animal vaginas as we regale you with wacky and unexpected tales of female animal reproduction. Vaginas are anything but simple receptacles and female animals are not the passive players they have been made out to be. Learn about multi-chambered vaginas and…
Hunter Science Festival
Demonstrations of the diverse activities of the members of the Hunter Innovation & Science Hub. The Hunter Innovation and Science Hub is a network of organisations within the Hunter that collaborate to deliver ongoing community science engagement programs, including during National Science Week.
Through the Looking Glass
Students will link literature with science and study the book Window by Jeannie Baker. Students will observe the invisible glass experiment, experiment with microscopes and magnifying glasses. In small groups students will build a marble run over the course of the week. This is a whole school event K to 6.
Young Tassie Scientists at Festival of Bright Ideas
Meet your local Young Tassie Scientists at the Festival of Bright Ideas and test out a range of hands-on activities for all ages. Young Tassie Scientists are early career researchers who are keen to share their work through interactive talks and hands-on activities in Tasmanian schools and communities during National Science Week. The Young Tassie…
Flows for Freedom Catchment Health Public Viewing and Information Site – Bythorne Park, Mount Barker
Low flows are crucial for sustaining a minimum level of catchment health. We know that one of the biggest causes of deteriorating catchment health in the Mount Lofty Ranges is the absence of low flows and the Flows for the Future Program is working hard to reinstate this critical water flow pattern. The Hills and…