Science Extravaganza

Balaklava High Year 9 students have organised a science fiesta for Year 6/7 from our four feeder primary schools. These students will be attending our high school next year so it is a great transition opportunity. Year 9s have prepared 18 different activities for the 120 Year 6/7 students to enjoy ranging from eggs hatching…

Postponed: Go, Grow and Glow!

Postponed due to the COVID lockdown. Go, Grow and Glow! is our National Science Week program that will explore the concept of paddock to plate in an interactive play-based environment. The week will involve stories, activities, songs and intentional teaching times focused on helping our 3 – 4 year old playschoolers to explore how foods…

Scinema Under the Stars

Scinema Under the Stars will be a public screening of the winners of the Scinema International Science Film Festival on the school oval, combined with an astronomy evening presented by the Top End Star Gazers. The Darwin Solar Cinema will screen the short films on their inflatable screen and the 11 inch tracking telescopes will…

Backyard Wildlife Habitat for Native Bees and Other Critters

Native bees are threatened by habitat loss and competition from European honeybees. There is also a diversity of species that most people are unaware of, and with the right resources, you can attract them to your garden too. This workshop is designed to educate anyone who is interested in learning more about our local native…

Science in Government

Science in Government is a podcast series from Victoria’s Lead Scientist Dr Amanda Caples and EPA Victoria’s Chief Environmental Scientist Professor Mark Taylor, launched to coincide with National Science Week. Showcasing the wide range of options open to scientists working in the Victorian Government, this podcast profiles ten professionals in different fields. From a remote…

Bringing Primary School STEM to Life – Online

Due to the COVID lockdown Bringing Primary School STEM to Life will now be held online. Celia Connor is a lecturer in biology and environmental sciences at Charles Sturt University. She is passionate about promoting equality and access to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) learning in regional schools. Join Celia for her practical tips…

Are you a teacher? Home educating? Three, free resources to decorate the learning environment and challenge even the best student.

Hi Hamish, as this isn’t an event join in I’ve turned it into a blog post. Cheers, Geoff. <> During Science Week we’re offering free learning resources to complement classroom activities and/or home-based education. Grab them now to use later or use Science Week to encourage your students to take part in an activity while…

Design Your Own Food Bar

Students are encouraged to design their own food bar and enter a national competition to win $1000 of scientific equipment for their school and a prize pack for themselves. How to Enter: Students are to complete the “Design Task” activity from the appropriate year level education kit Email it along with their name, school name,…

Virtual Work Experience: Junior Environmental Planner

Are you 14-19 years old and keen to get hands on experience in environmental planning? Roll up your sleeves, roll out those blueprints and engage your passion for sustainable development with this on-demand virtual work experience. Connect with Inland Rail mentors and learn how to execute large-scale infrastructure projects, whilst preserving Australia’s protected ecosystems. You’ll…