Fantastic Food Frenzy Science Day

Whyalla Town Primary will have a whole day science event. In the morning all will meet in the gym for an introduction to the theme and then spend the rest of the day doing hands on activities to do with the theme. There will be experiments on the fastest way to melt chocolate. investigating how…

Yhonnie Scarce | Nuclear Histories with Dr Liz Tynan

Join journalist, nuclear researcher, and author Associate Professor Liz Tynan PhD to gain an insight into the history of British nuclear testing in Australia in the 1950s and 1960s. This lecture provides context and background to complement Yhonnie Scarce’s exhibition Missile Park currently showing at the IMA. Scarce’s work is underpinned by extensive and in-depth research that explores the impact…

Yhonnie Scarce | Missile Park

Yhonnie Scarce is an artist known for sculptural installations which span architecturally-scaled public art projects to intimately-scaled assemblages replete with personal and cultural histories. Scarce is a master glass-blower, which she puts to the service of spectacular and spectral installations full of aesthetic, cultural, and political significance. Her work also engages the photographic archive and found…

Rocking the Cradle of Life

Join A/Prof Brendan Burns to hear about how his astrobiology group at UNSW is studying the origin of complex life using the stromatolites, ‘living rocks’, of Shark Bay in Western Australia as a model environment. Discover how the field of astrobiology has relevance for our search for life elsewhere, including one of nearest neighbours, Mars….

National Science Quiz at Watsonia Library

Fancy yourself a quiz master? Join us for a live stream of the National Science Quiz to celebrate National Science Week. Hosted by Charlie Pickering, there will be panel discussions and experiment videos. The fastest and correct people to answer each of 15 questions via the quiz app will win a prize pack. Presented by ACEMS ARC…

National Science Quiz at Mill Park Library

Fancy yourself a quiz master? Join us for a live stream of the National Science Quiz to celebrate National Science Week. Hosted by Charlie Pickering, there will be panel discussions and experiment videos. The fastest and correct people to answer each of 15 questions via the quiz app will win a prize pack. Presented by ACEMS ARC…

Hobart College Sustainable Food Festival

A celebration of insect proteins and other innovations in food. Our popular, student run cafe will feature crickets, mealworms and products made from insect flours, supported by information collated by science students. During our regular pastoral care time, all students will have the opportunity to participate in National Science Week activities based around the theme…

Biodiversity Festival

The Biodiversity Festival to be conducted in Denham, Western Australia between 16 August and 3 September highlights the contribution made to biodiversity made by the Dirk Hartog Island National Park Return to 1616 Ecological Restoration Project.  The project is being conducted on Dirk Hartog Island National Park and has eradicated feral cats, goats and sheep….

Experimenta Life Forms

Philosophers have wrestled with defining life for thousands of years. EXPERIMENTA LIFE FORMS reveals how contemporary artists are approaching this perennial question, at a time when technological change and new research findings are making definitions of ‘life’ increasingly difficult to pin down. What new life forms are emerging through technological and biological adaptation and invention?…