Our Fruit and Veggie-verse

Write a poem that has something to do with FRUITS and/or VEGETABLES: it could be about how you enjoy eating a certain fruit or vegetable: its colour, texture, taste and beauty; how it is linked to culture, traditions or dishes you enjoy; how to care, store and not waste them; how, when and where they…

Pollination Produces our Food

Community members will gain greater awareness of the importance of pollinators such as bees and other insects to modern society through interactive displays, lectures, demonstrations, site visits and a Festival.  Pollination in the Gardens, a two-week series of interactive exhibits and experiments developed and presented with the Hunter Valley Amateur Beekeepers Association. The Children’s University…

Tiny Scientists

The Tiny Scientists event is a free drop-in science exploration and discovery event targeted at young children aged 0-8 and their parents/carers. The aim of the event is to ignite an interest in science discovery from an early age and to equip Geraldton families with skills and resources to continue a culture of science discovery…

Food for Thought

Embracing the 2021 schools theme Food: Different by Design, we will be spending the week creating edible science activities to support our Term 3 topic of biological science. Every student in the school from Kindy – Year 6 will have the opportunity to use food as a learning tool – enticing both curiosity and their…

STEM Hour: Connect, learn, grow – Exploring Bush Tucker

What comes to mind when we think about Australian cuisine? There are few things more Aussie than meat pies and the good old barbie. In our July webinar, we will celebrate food that has been here for thousands of years, much longer than the sausage sizzle: Bush Tucker. Join us on a journey back in…

Science Night At The Museum

Science Night at the Museum is a science fair run at the Museum of the Goldfields each year over National Science Week. The event showcases what mining companies, the council and other organisations in the region are doing. The objective of this program is to encourage an interest in science among the public and encourage…

St Leonards Primary Science Week

Whole school hands-on Science Fair in the school assembly hall, rotating Prep to Year 6 through investigative and hands on work stations in a central location. Food and science of food will be the focus with the idea to activate science inquiry skills of questioning, predicting, conducting, processing and evaluation. This includes an open invitation…

Children’s Storytelling Online Workshop with Aussie STEM Stars

Celebrate National Science Week with authors from the exciting new book series Aussie STEM stars. Join award-winning authors Claire Saxby and Emily Gale as they showcase the book series and describe what it’s like writing the biographies of STEM superstars. The STEM stars themselves will then challenge you with a range of exciting STEM-based activities…

Nature Illustrated

Natural history illustrations have helped communities worldwide to document biodiversity, track changes in our environment and keep records of species that may go extinct. As part of the Inspiring Victoria acclimatise program for National Science Week, join us for an online discussion with experts in the field about the history of documenting nature through illustration….