Lessons From the Fires: A biodiversity and climate perspective

The 2019/20 bushfire season in Australia was unprecedented. Over 12 million hectares were burnt in eastern and southern Australia and nearly three billion frogs, reptiles, birds and mammals were killed. Climate change is making bushfire conditions more dangerous than ever, with increasing risks to people, property, and the environment. Efforts are now underway to develop…

Exploding a watermelon with rubber bands (Brunswick – VIC)

We are putting hundreds of rubber bands around a watermelon until explodes. This is part of the national science experiment. This is being organised by Rob Catchlove, environmental scientist at Wave Consulting – and parent of kids interested in science.  The event is being live streamed online.

Marine Trivia Night

A fun night of trivia celebrating everything we love about the sea and it’s inhabitants. Yes, the questions will be about all things marine, and no, you don’t have to be a marine scientist to be involved – marine scientists know a lot about a few things and not so much about marine pop culture,…

Our Deep Blue Future: Reflections from early career scientists

Australian waters boast wondrous and abundant marine life, with stories from the depths of our oceans and seas being shared around the world. South Australia is an important part of this marine environment, with 85 – 90 % of all marine animals and plants found only here. The Southern Ocean of our coast provides sanctuary…

A Day @ DNA Zoo

Our planet is experiencing biodiversity loss at a rate never seen before. Human-caused climate change has brought us to the brink of catastrophic environmental damage. CONSERVATION GENOMICS is an innovative and emerging area that can play a powerful role in saving our species. Bioinformatics + BIG DATA + Biodiversity = Conservation Genomics This one-day online event will showcase the exciting…

TERN Science Impact Infographic

TERN delivers quality, model-ready data on critical Australian ecosystem parameters. Researchers here and across the world are using TERN’s data, tools and expertise to better understand the environment and how it is changing.  To celebrate National Science Week, this infographic showcases some of the impact TERN’s research infrastructure has enabled. There are more TERN research impact stories online.

Young Tassie Scientists – Virtual Visit to Woodbridge School (Year 10)

The Young Tassie Scientists are bringing their passion for science into classrooms through online virtual visits in 2020. The team will also be supporting various other events across Tasmania in celebration of National Science Week. These early-career researchers and PhD candidates volunteer their time to undertake training in science communication, developing interactive presentations suitable for…

Fire, rain and storms: how will we predict hazardous weather in the future?

As demonstrated by the events of 2019 and 2020, Australia experiences a range of hazardous weather events, like storms, floods and fire weather, which have enormous societal and economic impacts. As our climate changes, many of these hazards will increase in frequency and/or intensity.  Weather forecasts don’t just help us choose our outfits, they underpin…

Rock Pool Ramble at Southern Cross University’s Solitary Islands Aquarium

To celebrate National Science Week, Southern Cross University’s National Marine Science Centre allows you to dive in and explorer the rocky shore right from your classroom or livingroom. Using the National Marine Science Centre’s Solitary Islands Aquarium, this live virtual excursion will allow students to learn about the creatures that inhabit our rocky shores.  Guided…

Rough Science Workshop

Every week is National Science Week at the Rough Science Workshop. To celebrate, the Rough Science Workshop will be live-streaming the best loved activities from the past six weeks. Every weekday at 4.30pm AEST. Go here: twitch.tv/roughscienceworkshop You’ll see: Monday ⇒ The Balancing Bird Tuesday ⇒ Make Fake Wounds Wednesday ⇒ Electricity & Magnets ……