Deep Dive into Australia’s Ocean Odyssey

Deep Dive into Australia’s Ocean Odyssey is a 3 x 20-minute ocean education series on ABC ME and iview on 17 and 19 August during National Science Week. Focusing on Marine Life, Interconnectedness of Land and Sea, and Ocean Protection and Restoration the series is hosted by Rad Yeo and combines segments from ABC TV’s…

Green Team Presents – The Science Quiz

Grab your lab coat, mad scientist outfit and a beaker of your favourite drink and get ready for the Green Team National Science Week Quiz: Featuring four sections:  Living Science  Earth Science  Prehistoric Science  Adults Only Science

Keep Those Toys Afloat

Via remote learning, school students are encouraged to build a floating vessel out of foil, and they need to see how many Lego, Duplo or Mobilo characters or blocks they can balance on the vessel before it sinks or tips.

The Sensible Sawfish: Book Reading

Doctoral candidate Amy Kirke and the Malak Malak Rangers of the Daly River region have written a book about sawfish and sharks in the NT with the theme of sustainable fishing and sharing. The book has been illustrated by children from Bachelor Area School and Karama Primary School and will be distributed to communities around…

Science Adventures

To explore the science activities with other home education families, at my house, using the resources available turning science week into a science month. Some will be online and some will be hands on activities.  There’s also a table for early childhood set up with activity sheets.

Diving Deep with Robogals Canberra

This year’s National Science Week school theme is ‘Deep Blue’, which is related to the ocean. The challenges will thus be related to varying uses of the ocean, such as marine life, renewable energy and the ocean’s role in regulating climate. Each of the challenges has a different age range based on the level of…

Zoom into the Atlas of Life – The Beauty and Science of Sea Slugs

You are invited to join us for these Zoom sessions every afternoon where you will hear from an expert and see videos and information about each topic. We will show you gems from our NatureMapr database and you will have the chance to ask questions. Topics include the mighty whale migrations, post bushfire regeneration in…

Zoom into the Atlas of Life – Our Mighty Whale Migrations

You are invited to join us for these Zoom sessions every afternoon where you will hear from an expert and see videos and information about each topic. We will show you gems from our NatureMapr database and you will have the chance to ask questions. Topics include the mighty whale migrations, post bushfire regeneration in…

Zoom into the Atlas of Life – Little Penguins of Eden

You are invited to join us for these Zoom sessions every afternoon where you will hear from an expert and see videos and information about each topic. We will show you gems from our NatureMapr database and you will have the chance to ask questions. Topics include the mighty whale migrations, post bushfire regeneration in…