This may come as a shock – nuclear reactors glow blue, not green. Thanks Homer for this misconception, d’oh! But nuclear power is green in other ways. Nuclear power is the world’s second largest source of low emissions electricity generation. And just like pretty much every other form of technology, the types of reactors under…
Topic: Environment and Nature
Tasmania’s First Scientists – Investigations into Tasmanian Aboriginal canoe-making
Can you guess how many years Indigenous canoe making existed before colonisation? This web-based resource includes an investigation into the resilience of Indigenous culture in surviving the impact of British invasion. Look deeper into the rich cultural knowledge and science behind Tasmanian Aboriginal canoe-making with a focus on Naval architecture and cultural use of plants….
Batchelor Butterfly Farm Visit
A day trip for Darwin seniors to get close to nature without having to drive.
Scouting@Home STEM Camp
An exciting, fun filled virtual STEM ‘camp’ delivered by Scouts WA. This event is targeted for Scout groups and families but anyone can join and have a great time exploring and discovering STEM in their home and community. The weekend program can be run anywhere and includes STEM challenges, a community based photo scavenger hunt…
Prehistoric Bake Off
Dust off your apron and get your whisk at the ready. To celebrate National Science Week, the University of Adelaide Palaeontologists are hosting their first ever, virtual bake off. This online event will blend two fields of science – the chemistry of baking and palaeontology – into one tasty morsel, all whilst giving entrants the…
In Conversation with author, James Bradley
Public Libraries NSW and City of Parramatta Libraries presents Amy Heap chatting with James Bradley as he talks about his new book ‘Ghost Species. The talk takes place online from 6:30pm to 7:30pm AEST This free online author talk will be presented via Zoom with a Q &A session at the end. Copies of the…
Mid-afternoon Masterclass: Communicating about science
In this mid-afternoon masterclass, Jen will give you some insight into how you can become a better public speaker. She’ll share a few questions you need to ask yourself before giving a talk, some ideas for how to begin your talk and tips on how to become a more confident speaker. Find more great Science Festival events….
Mid-Afternoon Masterclass: Cloning the Thylacine
Join Professor Andrew Pask in this exciting short lecture as he describes the process of sequencing the extinct Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) genome. Andrew will describe what we can learn by looking at the genomes of extinct native animals and the increasingly real potential for species de-extinction (bringing extinct animals back to life!). Learn what makes…
Innovations to Save our Oceans
What’s making waves in ocean science? This National Science Week, dive in with our expert panel of scientists to find out the impact of the biggest problems that our oceans are facing, and how science can solve them. Climate change and ocean warming, biodiversity loss and marine pollution are just some of the problems that…
Water is Life
The Menzies School of Health Research HealthLAB is an innovative, interactive, educational experience that allows participants to measure their own biomedical risk factors for chronic diseases in a mobile “pop-up” laboratory. Run by a team of scientists, health professionals and Indigenous trainees, HealthLAB aims to inspire positive lifestyle choices for better health now, and in…