Climate Cafe

Museums Victoria science experts and youth mental health experts from Orygen and Headspace invite young people aged 16 to 26 to attend a Climate Cafe at Melbourne Museum that will involve interactive and visual learning experiences with safe group discussions around climate change and climate-related distress. With growing discussion about climate change, many are concerned…

Digital Art Class: Science Week Edition

From Triceratops to a world of bugs, Melbourne Museum is an amazing source of inspiration. Discover the wonders of digital drawing in this art and science focused workshop. Designed to inspire creativity, our Digital Arts Class is run in a unique digital immersive space. You will learn digital skills for drawing amazing museum objects. This…

The Rise and Fall of T. rex and Triceratops

Step into the world of T. rex and Triceratops with Matthew Carrano, Curator of Dinosauria at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and Erich Fitzgerald, Senior Curator Vertebrate Palaeontology at Museums Victoria to explore the rise and fall of the Late Cretaceous Period and its iconic inhabitants. Celebrating National Science Week and the arrival…

Nocturnal – Slim to None

Journey through the realms of the rare and endangered, unique and unlikely to discover the wonders that defy all odds with a full program of talks, tours and surprises at Nocturnal.  From elusive creatures to remarkable finds, explore our collections and exhibition, plus your chance to meet Victoria the T. rex, included with your ticket.  Start the…

Mid-afternoon Masterclass: How to catch a giant coconut-cracking rat with Dr Tyrone Lavery

There are approximately 6,500 known mammal species and around 20 new species are discovered every year. Mammalogist Dr Tyrone Lavery worked with local people to document a new species of giant rat in the Solomon Islands. With detective work, persistence and luck, they finally found what they were searching for. The Science Festival Mid-afternoon Masterclass series is a series…

Science on Show

Join Melbourne Museum scientists who specialise in ancient fossils and underwater marvels. Discover rare collections, learn about endangered species and create something special to take home. As part of National Science Week, Science on Show showcases some of the rarest and most fascinating species displayed at Melbourne Museum. Museums Victoria Research Institute scientists – including…

Illuminating Species Survival: Led lights and Ladybug Pebbles

“Illuminating Species Survival” is an innovative project at Noble Park Community Centre featuring a series of intergenerational workshops during National Science Week 2024. Create LED throwies and attach them to painted ladybug pebbles as you learn about the ecological importance of ladybugs. Create a ladybug for your garden, gather seeds for planting and learn about…

Sustainable Fishing Practices Using Aboriginal Eel and Fish Traps Systems

We now know that the First Nations peoples of Australia were great environmentalists, whose deep spiritual connection to the land required them to look after all creatures on Country in a sustainable and ethical manner to ensure species survival for the next generations to enjoy. Let’s explore how this was achieved when fish and eel…