The Marine Team – Science Week In Schools 2024

Program Overview Our oceans are needlessly being harmed on a daily basis. In today’s everchanging world, those tasked with conserving our planet’s resources are members of an elite squad: The Marine Team. This educational incursion engages students in marine science and innovation to achieve long-term species survival and sustainability of our oceans. The Marine Team…

The Marine Team – Science Week In Schools 2024

Program Overview Our oceans are needlessly being harmed on a daily basis. In today’s everchanging world, those tasked with conserving our planet’s resources are members of an elite squad: The Marine Team. This educational incursion engages students in marine science and innovation to achieve long-term species survival and sustainability of our oceans. The Marine Team…

Young Tassie Scientists at Indie School Glenorchy

This year’s Young Tassie Scientists are University of Tasmania scientists who are keen to share their work through interactive talks and hands-on activities in Tasmanian schools and communities during National Science Week. Some of the Young Tassie Scientists on the Southern road trip are: Angus Olding (He/him), Chemist – Chemistry  Chelsea Long (She/Her), Antarctic scientist – Antarctica: Science & Policy …

Science Week Scavenger Hunt

Find the clues, answer the questions, and discover some of Australia’s greatest scientists and inventors. Drop into Brighton Library anytime from Saturday 10 August to Monday 19 August to complete the scavenger hunt and submit your entry. During normal library opening hours only. Everyone who completes the scavenger hunt goes into the draw to win…


Investigate what Species Survival means from many different perspectives. This National Science Week, we’re investigating this year’s school theme of Species Survival – More than just sustainability. Join us to explore Species Survival from a number of different perspectives. Perform an experiment that investigates animal adaptations. Discover how changes in the environment can influence food…

World Heritage – Beyond the Boundaries

Join staff and researchers working at the Naracoorte Caves National Park to learn more about the World Heritage listed caves. Uncover insights they can provide into Australia’s natural history. Naracoorte Caves is South Australia’s only World Heritage listed site. Listed in 1994 for their scientific values, the caves at Naracoorte contain some of the most…

Young Tassie Scientists at St Helens District High School

This year’s Young Tassie Scientists are University of Tasmania scientists who are keen to share their work through interactive talks and hands-on activities in Tasmanian schools and communities during National Science Week. Some of the Young Tassie Scientists on the North-East road trip are: Alex Paton (She/her), Ecologist – Zoology & Invasive Species Arjun Jothish Nair (He/him), Public…

Young Tassie Scientists at St Thomas More’s Catholic School

This year’s Young Tassie Scientists are University of Tasmania scientists who are keen to share their work through interactive talks and hands-on activities in Tasmanian schools and communities during National Science Week. Some of the Young Tassie Scientists on the North-East road trip are: Alex Paton (She/her), Ecologist – Zoology & Invasive Species Arjun Jothish Nair (He/him), Public…

Young Tassie Scientists at Summerdale Primary School

This year’s Young Tassie Scientists are University of Tasmania scientists who are keen to share their work through interactive talks and hands-on activities in Tasmanian schools and communities during National Science Week. Some of the Young Tassie Scientists on the North-East road trip are: Alex Paton (She/her), Ecologist – Zoology & Invasive Species Arjun Jothish Nair (He/him), Public…

Sydney Zoo presents – The Science of Survival

Join us at Sydney Zoo during National Science Week.  Did you know? Species all around the world are threatened, now, more than ever. Australian scientists are at the forefront of many species surviving in the wild. Zookeepers work hard to conserve threatened species, both in the wild and within zoos. Citizen scientists collect and record…