By Gum: Healing Country

 A day field trip to three spectacular Tasmanian East Coast properties showcasing positive stories of landscape recovery, saving threatened species, covenants and giving back to Aboriginal custodians. Meet researchers, land managers, scientists and volunteers. Includes practical planting at Wind Song.  Presenters include Dr Magali Wright, Dr Bec Jones, Jimmy Collinson and Aboriginal cultural educator, Linton…

Heathfield Primary National Science Week Expo

Discover the Amazing Science of Bubbles with Bubble-ologist Marty McBubble.  How are bubbles created? Why do they pop? What shapes and colours can bubbles make? What is surface tension and why is it important? Children will discover all of this and much more as Marty engages their natural sense of wonder with his interactive bubbly…

Ann Moyal Lecture – Scientia Professor Veena Sahajwalla

The annual Ann Moyal Lecture is given by a distinguished speaker on a contemporary question. In 2024, the lecture will be delivered by Scientia Professor Veena Sahajwalla. The lecture is titled ‘A smart vision for a sustainable future: SMaRT technologies and MICROfactories™ creating sustainable materials and products from waste.’ Entry is free to this event, but…

Wildlife Surveillance Art Show

Wildlife Surveillance Art Show will run for one week and include children and families. Children will pre-draw pictures that have been captured on a night vision camera. They will document the types and numbers of wildlife at preschool. Children will analyse and record data relating to the wildlife that is viewed on the camera. They…

Bee the Change

Gilmore Primary School students will be designing and making a bee friendly garden. We will also have a super cute bee dress up day to raise awareness of the importance of bees in our local community. This day will feature guest speaker Jackie Warburton coming in to speak to the children about the importance of…

The First Scientists

With help from local Noongar representatives, Dylan Collard of Kaylakoorl will facilitate this interactive workshop. ‘Enduring Inventions and Innovations’ will guide participants through the process of creating an axe (kodj). Stations will be set up with various tasks that will generate the materials to create the axe. This includes grinding balga sap, charcoal and yonga…

DIY Projects at Homework Club

Discovering the fun in science with daily afternoon activities conducted at the Croydon Shire library. Participants will have the chance to create experiments with a new DIY project featured every day during Homework Club.  

Cryptic Wonders: Enchanting Slime Moulds

Slime moulds… What are they? What ecological roles do they play? Why do they look so beautiful? Slime moulds impress people when they see the beauty and intricacy of their miniscule fruiting bodies. Learn about their intriguing life cycle – at one stage they move about and feed. They can even find their way through…

Kirwan State School Science Fair

Come along and see what our Year 6 students have discovered in a series of experiments. All experiments were designed, completed, and presented by the students. Each student has worked hard to prepare a science experiment or investigation on a topic of their choice.  They are excited to share their results and conclusions they have…

Ocean Innovators ANZ Challenge

With the chance to win exciting prizes, Britannica Education is on the lookout for young innovators in Australia and New Zealand who can come up with smart ideas to help protect our oceans for future generations. Submissions for this competition are due at the end of National Science Week 2024! The Ocean Innovators ANZ Challenge…