Live from the Lab – Poo analysis

Find out what a real live scientist does in the laboratory. Join Dr Michelle Power and her team in her laboratory as she tests the wildlife poo samples she has collected for her research from the field. See science live from a research lab and Join Dr Michelle Power and her team in her laboratory…

Scoop a Poop Workshop: Antimicrobial resistance in the wild

Scoop a Poop: tackling antimicrobial resistance in the wild. Join Dr Michelle Power for a 20 min talk about antimicrobial resistance in the wild followed by a lab tour of exciting science instruments. The event can include classroom activities supported with provision of a resource kit to allow students and teachers to explore this issue…

Couch talk: Dogs as reservoirs of parasitic zoonoses

Join Dr Sarah Preston as she interviews Dr Richard Bradbury about how your pet dogs could be a reservoir of parasitic zoonoses. Sarah, a parasitologist herself, will interview her colleague Richard Bradbury who has spent many years researching the fascinating parasites that can live in the most loyal companion, your pet dog. The interview will…

Pets and Parasites – a couch talk with a vet

Join Dr Sarah Preston as she interviews your favourite animal scientist – a veterinarian called Dr Anna Donlan. Find out what it takes to be a vet, what daily activities they perform and how heroic they are everyday in saving our beloved pets. In addition we will discuss everyone’s favourite topic, parasites. We will briefly…

Stories for budding scientists – That’s RAD! Science

My mum is a parasite scientist. That’s RAD! Join Professor Kathy Andrews from Griffith University as she tells stories of the amazing and sometimes weird world of parasites and about the jobs of scientists who study them. You’ll find out about parasites that can be found in poo, head-lice and, Kathy’s favorite, malaria parasites. You’ll…

Stories for budding scientists – That’s RAD! Science

My mum is a parasite scientist. That’s RAD! Join Professor Kathy Andrews from Griffith University as she tells stories of the amazing and sometimes weird world of parasites and about the jobs of scientists who study them. You’ll find out about parasites that can be found in poo, head-lice and, Kathy’s favorite, malaria parasites. You’ll…

National Science Week with the Goethe-Institut

The Goethe-Institut has a selection of online science films and videos, DIY science experiments and quizzes that schools can access for free during National Science Week. The resources are great for interdisciplinary activities that combine STEM and German. Most materials are available in German and English. As a highlight during Science Week the documentary feature film “Checker…

SciFest Parasites and You (from ANU)

In National Science Week meet parasites and the ANU researchers studying them, through a series of videos, blogs and games. Learn what a parasite is and take a close look at these amazing critters – some 100 times smaller than the eye can see and others the length of a swimming pool! Learn how ANU…

ANU Student Association: Health Innovation Hackathon – Fighting Pandemics

A collaboration between the Joint College of Science Representatives and ANU Humanitarian Innovation Society, this week-long event challenges teams to solve contemporary scientific and humanitarian problems through an interdisciplinary approach. The program features workshops guided by mentors from academia and industry. This will culminate in a pitch that will be presented to the public and…

STEM Festival

Looking at STEM-M (medicine in science). Students in Years 3-6  will all be involved in STEM-M related activities for the day. This includes having a variety of professional guest speakers and hands-on activities which encompass the elements of science and how it impacts on medicine.