Soapbox Science Sydney Online 2020

Come learn from, question, probe, interact with & be inspired by some of Australia’s leading female researchers in science, technology, engineering & maths. Over four nights Soapbox Science Sydney Online presents 12 researchers, each with 45 minutes to amaze you with their latest discoveries & to answer the questions you have been burning to ask….

E-meet a (Biomedical) Scientist

What better way to celebrate National Science Week than by connecting budding high school students with University of Melbourne biomedical scientists? Through 15–30-minute video calls, our experts – many of whom are global leaders in their research field – will help inspire the next generation of scientists. Students in Year 9 and above from metropolitan,…

How can we progress biomedical research without animal experiments? Examples from infectious disease research and ME/CFS.

Humane Research Australia (HRA) is a not-for-profit organisation devoted to the promotion of experimental and testing methods that replace the ongoing reliance upon animals as research models of human health and disease. There is an established history of resistance to animal experimentation based on ethical grounds, but more recently concerns have also appeared in relation…

Explore and Learn at Home

Eighty George Town families will be provided with a pack including everything you need to do five interesting, fun and engaging STEM activities at home. You will receive all the materials you need, including instruction cards that you can use again and again.  Every day during National Science Week, George Town Library will post a…

Being a Lab Technician

Happy Explorers and Raspberry Rockets present how to make your own specimen analyzer at home and a discussion about what a specimen analyzer does. Lisa from Happy Explorers is a Lab Technician. She will discuss what her job entails and why it is so important. An online Instagram IGTV collaboration.  

Science Exchange Series – Visualising a Virus

When dealing with the strange nanoscopic world that is simply too small to see, experiments and data visualisation approaches are vitally important to our understanding of life on this scale. Brady Johnston is a PhD student in structural biology at UWA. Brady will introduce you to how data is collected and presented, leading to famous images…

UNSW Bragg Student Science Writing Prize

Are you a writer in Years 7-10? Want to win great prizes? What are the solutions that will help us to address global challenges such as catastrophic climate change, global pandemics, severe weather and sea level rise? From bushfire science using smart satellites and Indigneous know-how, to vaccine development, citizen science apps tracking insect population…

Casey Station Science Smoko

On or about 20 August we plan to structure our morning tea around National Science Week down here at Casey Station in East Antarctica. The Sun will have returned and we will be starting to think about a new summer season on station. This one will be quite different as preparations and planning have been…

Keeping an Eye on Dementia Using Science From Space

The eye has long been regarded as the window to the brain and recent advances in imaging technologies may make it possible to detect early signs of brain diseases via the eye. Researchers at the Centre for Eye Research in Melbourne have applied a method developed by NASA scientists for imaging the earth from satellites…