The Science Fair Extravaganza, which occurs during Science Week, is a day organised for the students to become the ‘Science Experts’. The outdoor learning area is set up to accommodate science stations where students are ‘Scientists in action’, conducting experiments in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space. Jingili Science Fair Extravaganza provide…
Topic: Health and Medical
South West Science Fair
Join us at South West Science Fair 2023, a free family friendly event filled with science themed mysteries. Solve a robbery, make some slime or visit the forensics lab, either way you are bound to discover or learn something new. South West Science Fair brings multiple exhibitors from around WA come together at Bunbury Library…
Wild Food- Tasmanian Natives on the Menu
Wild Food is on the menu! Join us for a day filled with foraging, cooking, and tasting the best wild ingredients Tasmania has to offer. This Science Week event will be held at Kickstart Arts in New Town, led by Rees Campbell author of Eat Wild Tasmania. Learn about about edible Tasmanian sustainable food. Helen Fitton from…
Wild Food- Tasmanian Natives on the Menu
Wild Food is on the menu! Join us for a day filled with foraging, cooking, and tasting the best wild ingredients Tasmania has to offer. This Science Week event will be held at Kickstart Arts in New Town, led by Rees Campbell author of Eat Wild Tasmania. Learn about about edible Tasmanian sustainable food. Helen Fitton from…
Wild Food- Tasmanian Natives on the Menu
Wild Food is on the menu! Join us for a day filled with foraging, cooking, and tasting the best wild ingredients Tasmania has to offer. This Science Week event will be held at Kickstart Arts in New Town, led by Rees Campbell author of Eat Wild Tasmania. Learn about about edible Tasmanian sustainable food. Helen Fitton from…
National Science Week Career Focus
Canberra College’s career section is set to celebrate National Science Week with an exciting lineup of events designed to inspire and educate students about careers in science. Throughout the week, students will participate in various workshops covering different scientific disciplines, providing hands-on experiences and practical knowledge. Esteemed guest speakers from the University of New South…
Kilcoy State School Science Expo
Kilcoy State School Science Expo will embrace the National Science Week theme, Species Survival: More Than Just Sustainability, by showcasing the biodiversity of our local region. Our small town is proud of the important role we play in food production in the area, and our education and care in protecting our endemic plants and animals,…
Book Launch – Follow Your Gut: A Story From The Microbes That Make You
Join us to celebrate the launch of a new graphic novel – Follow Your Gut: A Story From The Microbes That Make You (Scribe 2024), created by writer Ailsa Wild, reproductive microbiologist Lisa Stinson, artist Ben Hutchings, microbial ecologist/science educator Gregory Crocetti & artist Briony Barr. A timid Bifidobacterium named Biffy is forced to leave…
Science Alive!
Science Alive! is the largest, single, interactive science exhibition in Australia. With a diverse range of exhibitors and interactive displays, this is a fantastic opportunity for people of all ages to engage with science in a fun and meaningful way. There will also be dynamic performances and shows, which promise to be both educational and…
Beyond Vaccines: Examining Public Trust in Biomedical Sciences
In recent years the field of biomedical science has faced heightened public scrutiny, reaching a critical juncture where trust in research and its applications is being reevaluated. Beyond the scope of the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination debates, there are diverse issues contributing to this skepticism. The discussion will revolve around examining how the public interprets…