The Crazy Places Data Science Can Take You

Data science is an amazing field that brings together mathematics and >computer science – along with biology, physics, chemistry, policy, finance, climate science, advertising… you name it and data scientists are probably working on it. In this masterclass we welcome data scientists Dr Christopher Baker and Isobel Abell from the School of Mathematics and Statistics,…

Science Week at St Mary’s College

Starting Monday 15 August, St Mary’s College Primary will be celebrating National Science Week with daily hand-on experiments in class and during lunch. Classroom teachers and the Science Teacher Mr. Jake will work together to make science fun.

St Mary’s College Science Fair

Making glass out of natural materials, harnessing the power of the sun, or looking at the eye itself. Student and teams at the St Mary’s College Primary Campus will battle it out in the Assembly area on Thursday 18 August to see who can use science to explore the world of glass and explain what’s…

Red Cliffs Secondary College Open Evening

Join us to celebrate National Science Week and all the amazing science work our students do. Oasis stargazers will be in to do some stargazing with us. We will also have our brand new telescope out on display for students to look at and use. The Mallee CMA will be bringing in some macroinvertebrates from…

Sci-Fi Series: Is RNA the answer to cancer?

This event is now being presented online.  Until recently most people had never heard of RNA.   If DNA is the hardware of life, then RNA is the software that allows it to operate. mRNA is well-known as the key ingredient in COVID-19 vaccines. But RNA technology could also play an important role in how we…

Surgical Biofix – Amniotic Membrane Allografts Plant Tour

Surgical Biofix is Australia’s first and proudly Queensland-based full thickness Amniotic Membrane Allograft manufacturer – Revita is our product and it is used to treat severe and chronic wounds from diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg, bed and pressure sores, burns, skin cancer removal and many many more. SBF consent and collect caesarean birth placentas and …

Glass: The Science Fair

To celebrate National Science Week, a lunchtime science fair will be held in the Hannans Primary School library. The science fair’s focus will be the entries of students from Years 1 – 6. Students from Year 1 to 2 will create a science poster around a topic or theme of their choice. Students from Years…

Sky is the Limit

United Muslims of Northern Territory (UMNT) intends to increase the awareness and understanding of the role of technology, science, and innovation in everyday life and in the future. Some of the intended outcomes of this event include assisting young people, as the process of selecting a career pathway for students is often challenging, thus, this allows students in middle school…

Future Medicine: Healing the heart

Heart disease is Australia’s leading cause of death, killing more than 18,500 people a year; about one every 28 minutes. The National Stem Cell Foundation of Australia presents a public webinar to answer your questions about heart disease and hear about the latest developments in stem cell research to heal broken hearts, hosted by Foundation…

Science Meets Art: An evening of Sonification and Music

Dr Mark Temple from Western Sydney University uses audio for science data analyses. As a former musician who played drums with Indie rock band The Hummingbirds, Mark began turning human DNA sequences into audio by assigning each genetic letter to a computer-generated musical note. The audio sonically represents various genomic features. Mark has sonifed the Coronavirus…