Scitech Discovery Centre Shows for National Science Week

Ready, set: science. National Science Week is Australia’s biggest celebration of science and technology. Visit Scitech this August for a day filled with brand new shows and pop-up science. Head to the planetarium for Birth of Planet Earth, the spectacular new show that tells the tale of our planet’s origins. Join us to explore some…

Shirty Science presents Australia’s Favourite Science Shirt

Who will go home with the title of Australia’s Favourite Science Shirt in 2022? 16 awesome scientists and artists from across the country currently creating 8 super cool science shirt designs for #ScienceWeek. Now it is time to determine Australia’s Favourite Science Shirt. Hosted by Nate Byrne, ABC Breakfast Weather Presenter, our scientist and artist…

Fungi Film and Q&A

A documentary screening of The Kingdom-How Fungi Made Our World will be shown followed by a Q&A session of mushroom experts to answer your questions. Some delicious mushroom food and beverages will be available too.


INVISIBILITY is everywhere. It’s the people we don’t notice, the environmental changes we can’t see, and the algorithms working hard behind the scenes. What becomes visible when we start paying attention? In MOD.’s 2022 exhibition, we’re shining a spotlight on the unseen to help us better understand the world around us and our place in…

The Matilda Effect – The History of Forgotten Women Scientists

From the COVID vaccine to nuclear fission to pulsars to computer programming, women are at the source of many scientific discoveries, inventions and innovations that shape our lives. But in the stories we’ve come to accept about these breakthroughs, women are too often left out. In this talk we’ll learn about the women behind some…

Live from the Lab: Gig

Join us on Thursday 18 August for our special Live from the Lab (LFTL): Gig hosted by Associate Professor Alice Motion and featuring the artists involved in LFTL 2022. This will be the first time these science research inspired tracks are performed live, along with additional hits from each artist’s catalogue. Celebrate National Science Week…

Intersections between Science and Art – Engaging communities

Explore how brain health changes through life, the emerging problem of eco-anxiety, and how our wellbeing is inextricably linked to our environmental footprint through two National Science Week events, ‘Brain’ and ‘Biomes’. These interactive art science exhibitions showcase innovative collaborations with artists, technologists, industry and community, creating a genuine and continuing exchange of information with…

Soapbox Science Melbourne

Soapbox Science’s purpose is to link women scientists and the general public in order to foster a culture of shared knowledge, and we promote connections with event participants and the larger community in a helpful and mutually beneficial manner. STEM Sisters collaborates with Soapbox Science to offer the inaugural Soapbox Science Melbourne event in 2022….

Science Week at Ignatius Park College

There will be science activities planned for students at lunch breaks, and the STILE Escape Room activity during classes. Staff will have a morning tea to celebrate National Science Week and there will be a science quiz for morning home room. At the whole school assembly there will be some demonstrations.  

Rapid Rounds of Rowdy Science

We are Science Alliance: People with Disabilities, for People with Disabilities. This year we offer you Rapids Rounds of Rowdy Science. For every day of National Science Week, we will be releasing an online demonstration of young people with disabilities having fun with science. We begin with a tribute to the Ngunnawal people, the first…