Switch on to Science

Science is much more than explosions and weird experiments. It is the knowledge we use to make all the wonderful things we rely on every day. Join us to explore how scientific knowledge is discovered, and how technology uses that science to make lots of very useful things. Using our displays of vintage equipment, which…

Amazing Glass

Glass is an ancient scientific miracle. Over the years it has been used to decorate, contain and preserve. At Kalkie State School’s National Science Week event, Amazing Glass, students will have the opportunity to see how glass enhances their lives and their understanding of the natural world. The event will open with River Nations Indigenous…

Free online screening: A Plastic Ocean

Each minute, the equivalent of a garbage truck of rubbish enters the worlds oceans, estimated to cause the death of over a million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals and turtles every year. As humans, we aren’t immune to the impacts of our addiction to plastic, with scientists predicting that we are eating a credit card size…

What Will You Be Eating in 2050? Webinar with tastings delivered

Do you love food? Will your favourite food be around in 30 years? What new foods might you find in the supermarket in 2050? Join us for a fun, interactive and delicious online event exploring the future of food for everyday Australians. You will learn about new food technology, ocean farming, sustainable cattle farming, edible…

e-Meet a Biomedical Scientist

What better way to celebrate National Science Week than by connecting budding high school students with University of Melbourne Biomedical Scientists, who work at the centre of the Southern Hemisphere’s largest biomedical precinct? During 20- to 30-minute video calls, our experts – many of whom are global leaders in their research field – will inspire the…

Addicted to Dopamine

Everywhere you look people are overindulging, but that’s not to say it’s their fault. We have unprecedented 24/7 access to deliberately addictive, high-dopamine stimuli – drugs, food, news, gambling, shopping, gaming, sexting, Facebooking, YouTubing and tweeting. Our lives are saturated by our own dopamine and our culture encourages us to pursue it. Speaking on her…

Virtual Tour: Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre

Join us virtually to tour the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre and meet our newest, FRIENDLIEST (you’ll learn why on the tour) supercomputer, Setonix. Pawsey is proud to be a facility that enables and accelerates Australian science and pushes the boundaries of discovery. We know that can’t be achieved without YOU – our young scientists and…