The Premier’s Science Awards recognise and celebrate the outstanding scientific research and engagement taking place in Western Australia. The awards are a keystone in the Western Australian government’s efforts to raise the profile of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in Western Australia. Over the years, awards alumni have become important ambassadors for the state, helping…
Topic: Indigenous Knowledge
Science Week at Glenmore State High School
Students at Glenmore State High School will participate in STEM activities throughout National Science Week. These activities will be designed to allow students the opportunity to participate in hands on, engaging science experiments, challenges and demonstrations. The overall goal is to promote the STEM subjects within our school and allow students to learn more about…
National Science Week at Wyndham College
Event Description and Activities – Celebration of National Science Week involving a variety of learning experiences for students aligned with the theme Food: different by design. Activities will include: morning tea for staff organised by Biology and Food technology students who will work together to cook edible scientific models and plant based meat products. Food…
Indigenous Science Experience at Logan – Primary School Days
At the Indigenous Science Experience at Logan, school students from primary schools in the Logan area will take part in immersive Indigenous STEM activities including learning about boomerangs, weaving, bush medicines, and native bees. This event will celebrate the rich cultural and STEM knowledge held by Indigenous Australians and highlight its value to students. Please…
Cochlear Aurora Science Photo Contest
The Aurora Science Photo Contest is for schoolgirls to get them to think about everyday science through photography. This contest is an alternative way to engage female school students with science to make them aware of science in everyday life. Flinders University’s 2021 Cochlear Aurora Photo Contest is now open, offering cash prizes to reward young female…
Pollination Produces our Food
Community members will gain greater awareness of the importance of pollinators such as bees and other insects to modern society through interactive displays, lectures, demonstrations, site visits and a Festival. Pollination in the Gardens, a two-week series of interactive exhibits and experiments developed and presented with the Hunter Valley Amateur Beekeepers Association. The Children’s University…
STEM Hour: Connect, learn, grow – Exploring Bush Tucker
What comes to mind when we think about Australian cuisine? There are few things more Aussie than meat pies and the good old barbie. In our July webinar, we will celebrate food that has been here for thousands of years, much longer than the sausage sizzle: Bush Tucker. Join us on a journey back in…
Science Night At The Museum
Science Night at the Museum is a science fair run at the Museum of the Goldfields each year over National Science Week. The event showcases what mining companies, the council and other organisations in the region are doing. The objective of this program is to encourage an interest in science among the public and encourage…
Tasty Atoms
Events throughout the week with junior and upper primary classes held during science lessons and a shared learning time from 9.00 – 9.40 am daily. Activities include: extending chemical sciences into fantastic food designs building chemical molecules using fruit pieces for healthy fruit snack experimenting with changes in state – demonstrating changes with heating and…
Using our school community garden to grow, pick and cook with the fresh vegetables. Making bread in school kitchen and using herbs for Indigenous flavours. Star gazing event at night.