Lets Get Physical!: Savoy Dance’s Science dance workshop & social

Calling all swing dancers: it’s time to get physical – scientifically, that is. To celebrate National Science Week, Savoy Dance and science communicator Giselle Dreyer have put together a science-themed dance workshop and social. We’ll host a 90 minute masterclass, exploring inertia, tension and momentum in dance, before putting our skills to work on the…

Glass: a window into quantum physics

The school theme for National Science Week this year is Glass: More than meets the eye, based on the UN International Year of Glass. It will celebrate the many roles that glass plays in our lives – from phone screens to optical fibre to glassware in labs – plus investigating glass as a part of…

Superstars of STEM at USC

Superstars of STEM aims to smash society’s gender assumptions about scientists and increase the public visibility of women in STEM. Science and Technology Australia started Superstars of STEM to create a critical mass of celebrity Australian women who work as scientists and technologists – role models for young women and girls – and to work…

Science and Engineering Challenge – Mt Gambier

The Science and Engineering Challenge is a day-long competition designed to provide Year 10 or Year 9 students with a positive experience of science and engineering. A maximum of 8 schools per day compete against each other at one venue. Each school ‘team’ is divided into eight groups of between 2 to 4 students per…

MathsCraft Workshop for Years 5 – 10 Students

How does a mathematician think about and solve problems? What can ‘doing maths’ look like? MATRIX invites Years 5 to 10 students to join us online during National Science Week to come and experience why research mathematicians love maths. You’ll have the opportunity to work on some really interesting and challenging maths problems. Bring your…

Robotics and Programming with One Day Studio

Event involves Turing Tumblers (mechanical computers), robotic arm game and if participants bring their own iPad, an Minecraft hour of code. The workshop will expose younger kids to the change in thinking required to breakdown tasks into sequences which forms the basis of all coding.  Workshop lasts for 2 hours and will include afternoon tea. Ideally…

The Crazy Places Data Science Can Take You

Data science is an amazing field that brings together mathematics and >computer science – along with biology, physics, chemistry, policy, finance, climate science, advertising… you name it and data scientists are probably working on it. In this masterclass we welcome data scientists Dr Christopher Baker and Isobel Abell from the School of Mathematics and Statistics,…

Science Week at St Mary’s College

Starting Monday 15 August, St Mary’s College Primary will be celebrating National Science Week with daily hand-on experiments in class and during lunch. Classroom teachers and the Science Teacher Mr. Jake will work together to make science fun.

St Mary’s College Science Fair

Making glass out of natural materials, harnessing the power of the sun, or looking at the eye itself. Student and teams at the St Mary’s College Primary Campus will battle it out in the Assembly area on Thursday 18 August to see who can use science to explore the world of glass and explain what’s…

Mathematics Modelling Challenge

Ever wondered the maths behind how a pandemic spreads? Or the environmental impact of getting a lift to school? Or do you want to find out the link between climate change and your WhatsApp messages? Put your analytic brains to the test, working in small groups students have 3 real world mathematics challenges to choose…