Ainslie School Meet-a-Scientist Nano Conference

Eighteen Scientists associated with the Ainslie School community will participate in the Ainslie School Meet-a-Scientist Nano Conference. The purpose of this event is to  increase students’ appreciation of the scope and delights of science as well as expose them to a range of adults who have sustained a passion for scientific curiosity. The event will…

Woombye State School Stem Trail

Our interactive Stem Trail takes you around the school grounds to explore our school environment. Explore the maths and science concepts and engage with Indigenous knowledge that is embedded in our gardens.

Propagating Food by Design

Propagating food by design project will provide opportunities for students to study the mechanics and advantages of growing seeds in a greenhouse. Providing hands-on participation through investigations, strategies, predictions, and solutions to achieve the expected outcomes – growing food from food. Students will research and investigate seed collection (sustainably and ethically), clean and store seeds…

The National Science Week Great Barrier Reef Citizen Science Challenge & Prizes

Join the National Science Week Great Barrier Reef Citizen Science Challenge as a citizen scientist, to help monitor and protect the natural wonder of the world. The Science You can participate in the online challenge by classifying images of the Great Barrier Reef, on the Virtual Reef Diver website.  In doing so, you will help…

Women in STEM: Navigating Barriers to Leadership

Women in STEM, including emerging and established leaders, experience exacerbated barriers to retention, leadership development and success due to a complex web of factors underpinned by STEM disciplines being primarily male-dominated. This free live webinar explores key barriers and associated protective factors and provides practical strategies to assist women navigate the challenge of leading in…

Big Science Quiz

The University of Queensland Year 11 student ambassadors will run a quiz using the brain break materials provided from National Science Week. Students will participate in teams and prizes will be awarded to the inners after the three rounds.

At Home Science Scavenger Hunt

As part of National Science Week, InquiBox has developed an at-home science scavenger hunt pack to get the whole family involved in some science fun. Have fun with the genes, mirrors, colours, numbers and much more. Our science scavenger hunt resource involves: riddles and puzzles you need to answer/scavenge for at home; details on the…

Dream Big: Engineering our World

Please join the fun as we watch this inspirational short film Dream Big: Engineering our World and let it transform how you and your family think about engineering. With a stereotype-busting engineer cast, the film reveals that engineering is an exciting, creative, heroic realm where the optimists of today are creating the lifesaving, world-altering marvels…

Governor-General’s Virtual Design Challenge

Questacon in conjunction with the Office of the Governor General are excited to present the 2021 Governor General’s Design Challenge. This live one hour virtual workshop is set to be a valuable experience for upper primary students to use design thinking in a hands-on and highly interactive way for deeper learning about science, technology, engineering…

Live from the Lab – on FBi Radio

Each weekday morning from 8.15am – 8.45am on FBi Radio (94.5 FM or stream online), from Friday 13 to Friday 20 August 2021. Six musicians and performers will be partnered with six science researchers from the University of Sydney, Faculty of Science. The musicians will then share six brand-new compositions inspired by their emotional response…