Join Graduate Dejana Munjiza as she take us through her journey from school to university and gives an insight into why she chose to study mathematics at UTS and her progression to an exciting career with PwC Australia. Aimed at high school students, but all members of the community are welcome to join this webinar to…
Topic: Mathematics
Food Glorious Food
Moil Primary School will host a fun Science Day for all students from Foundation to Year 6. Each activity will be fun, hands-on and will encourage students to work cooperatively with their peers to solve problems, complete activities and share their knowledge. The activities will embrace the National Science Week theme of Food: Different by…
STEM Fast Track ESTEAM Summit
ESTEAM Summit is a competition where the brightest young minds around the state come up with solutions to the world’s problems using entrepreneurship, science, technology, engineering, art (and design), and mathematics. The competition has two parts: Part 1 Students identify a problem in one or across several of the given topics (Space, Cyber Security, AI,…
St. John Fisher School Online Escape Room Challenges
The school community will participate in online escape room activities where family members can cooperatively discover clues, solve puzzles, and complete tasks to progress through a series of challenges. The challenges selected draw on a number of disciplines including science, technology and mathematics. Each grade from Kindergarten to Year 6, will have the opportunity to…
MIE Lab – Maths Modelling Challenge – Meat Consumption Scenario
Planetary health is a relatively new branch of science focusing on safeguarding the health of human civilisation and the state of the natural systems on which we depend. This branch of science has put lower meat consumption at the heart of reducing humanity’s negative impact on the environment. Deforestation of land for livestock adds to the carbon footprint of a heavy meat diet and reduces available land that could produce far…
Dodges Ferry Primary Science Festival
We will have a lot of student groups leading science demonstrations, experiments and samples for the school community.
Master Scientist
Master scientist is a scientific focus based on the importance of scientific method and relating the process of scientific method to that of following the method of a recipe by introducing the whole school to a variety of science and engineering tasks based on the concept of kitchen physics. Each year group will compete with…
Significant Figures
Can you work out who the mystery scientist is and what they researches in their lab? That is the challenge for panellists on a live recording of science communicator Tom Gordon and his popular STEMpunk podcast. It all looks a lot more like a game or variety show than a science panel, as we try…
Kid’s Kitchen
Thursday 19 and Friday 20 August see the Springfield Gardens Primary School Kid’s Kitchen come to life Students will be getting their hands dirty and taste buds tantalised as they explore this year’s Science week theme of ‘Food: different by design’. They will be learning about different elements of science through the medium of food….
ANU Undergraduate Research Symposium
A set of fifteen-minute presentation and Q & A sessions by ANU students on research they’ve done as Undergraduates. The presentations will cover a broad spectrum of STEM topics, including intersections between STEM and the humanities. The event will celebrate undergraduate research and showcase the opportunities available for STEM students and aspiring researchers.