Carlton Gardens Primary School Goes to Mars

Students will explore the challenges and possibilities of colonising the red planet. Through engaging activities, each grade level tackles different aspects of Mars colonisation: Prep: Sorting and designing storage vessels for essential items needed on Mars. Year 1: Creating 3D models of Mars and recording sounds to understand its unique atmosphere. Year 2: Simulating Martian…

Value Adding Through the Bioeconomy

Would you like to hear about how new fermentation technology can unlock new food, feed and fibres? How metals can be recovered from mining waste to power your mobile phone or solar panels? How food and farm waste can become the valuable source of a fast-growing global bioeconomy? As part of National Science Week, the…

St Clare’s STEM Extravaganza

Our STEM Extravaganza will run all day involving students from Prep to Year 6 working in mixed aged groups. The day will involve a rotation of engaging, hands-on activities designed to promote critical and creative thinking about this year’s theme – Innovation: Powering future industries. We have partnered with Canegrowers Tully, who will showcase how…

Science Week Celebration at St John’s School

St John’s National Science Week Celebration, including a showcase from the Canegrowers Tully. A whole day to celebrate science, involving students from Prep to Year 6 working in mixed aged groups. The day will involve a rotation of engaging, hands-on activities designed to promote critical and creative thinking about this year’s theme – Innovation: Powering…

Remediate! for Orange High Schools

Do you want to learn how synthetic biology can remediate plastic from the environment? How you can add superpowers to a microbe to gobble up polluting plastic? And find out about the new industries synthetic biology is creating right now in your region. Come along and play a speed version of our card game Remediate!  Equip your microbe character…

Oakbank School Science Day

At the Oakbank School Science Day students will participate in a variety of activities centered around the National Science Week theme of Innovation: Powering future industries.  Students will participate in activities with high school students as well as across the primary years. Activities will include those with a STEM focus and incorporate science theory while…

Innovation Exploration

This year’s theme of Innovation: Powering Future Industries explores the link between science and technology and advances across all areas of science. Technology uses science to solve problems and science uses technology to make new discoveries. Science and technology help each other in advance. New technologies often allow scientists to explore nature in new ways….


One Arm Point Remote Community School will be working with community members to hold a science festival that focuses on the traditional knowledge from Bardi Country. This festival continues our work with the Two-Way Science program and the students’ interest in environmental science and authentic engineering. The activities will tie in with some of the…

Innovation: The Science Fair

To celebrate National Science Week, a lunchtime science fair will be held in the Treendale Primary School library. The fair’s focus will be the entries of students from Years 1 – 6: Students from Year 1 to 2 will create a science poster around a topic or theme of their choice. Students from Years 3…

Queechy High School – The Future of Tasmanian Industries

In National Science Week a guest speaker will visit the school to discuss career opportunities in food and agricultural science with Year 9/10 students. The guest speaker will also run Concentrating on Orange Juice with Year 7 students as a hands-on activity looking at the processing and difference between different orange juices. We will also…