The NT has a huge variety of soils ranging from the red sands of Finke in Central Australia to rich dark soils surrounding Pularumpi School in Tiwi Islands and the silty deposits of the Roper River adjacent Ngukurr School. Thirty schools are collaborating on the Soils Across the NT project and are taking soil samples…
Topic: Mining and Industry
Sadadeen: Soils Across the NT
The NT has a huge variety of soils ranging from the red sands of Finke in Central Australia to rich dark soils surrounding Pularumpi School in Tiwi Islands and the silty deposits of the Roper River adjacent Ngukurr School. Thirty schools are collaborating on the Soils Across the NT project and are taking soil samples…
Newcastle Waters: Soils Across the NT
The NT has a huge variety of soils ranging from the red sands of Finke in Central Australia to rich dark soils surrounding Pularumpi School in Tiwi Islands and the silty deposits of the Roper River adjacent Ngukurr School. Thirty schools are collaborating on the Soils Across the NT project and are taking soil samples…
Bulman: Soils Across the NT
The NT has a huge variety of soils ranging from the red sands of Finke in Central Australia to rich dark soils surrounding Pularumpi School in Tiwi Islands and the silty deposits of the Roper River adjacent Ngukurr School. Thirty schools are collaborating on the Soils Across the NT project and are taking soil samples…
Batchelor: Soils Across the NT
The NT has a huge variety of soils ranging from the red sands of Finke in Central Australia to rich dark soils surrounding Pularumpi School in Tiwi Islands and the silty deposits of the Roper River adjacent Ngukurr School. Thirty schools are collaborating on the Soils Across the NT project and are taking soil samples…
Nightcliff: Soils Across the NT
The NT has a huge variety of soils ranging from the red sands of Finke in Central Australia to rich dark soils surrounding Pularumpi School in Tiwi Islands and the silty deposits of the Roper River adjacent Ngukurr School. Thirty schools are collaborating on the Soils Across the NT project and are taking soil samples…
Superstars of STEM at USC
Superstars of STEM aims to smash society’s gender assumptions about scientists and increase the public visibility of women in STEM. Science and Technology Australia started Superstars of STEM to create a critical mass of celebrity Australian women who work as scientists and technologists – role models for young women and girls – and to work…
Science and Engineering Challenge – Mt Gambier
The Science and Engineering Challenge is a day-long competition designed to provide Year 10 or Year 9 students with a positive experience of science and engineering. A maximum of 8 schools per day compete against each other at one venue. Each school ‘team’ is divided into eight groups of between 2 to 4 students per…
Immersive Earth: Enter the Curnamona Cube
For National Science Week, a small team of AuScope creatives and University of Adelaide geoscientists invite you to peep deep into the Australian continent to help unravel an untold geological story. Join this imaginative arts-science team via a self-guided, immersive and multimedia-rich digital experience, and share any questions that pop up along the way, either…
Indigenous Practices Meet Sustainable Fishing
Register to receive this exciting new video lesson and discover the science behind what makes the Lakes and Coorong fishery sustainable to a world-leading standard and how indigenous fishing practices continue today and are being safeguarded for the future. You’ll hear from Elders past, present and emerging as we pay our respects to Ngarrindjeri land…