Settlers Primary School Science Week Spectacular

Every student in our school from Kindergarten to Year 6 will participate in tabloid style hands-on science activities throughout National Science Week. Each year group participates on one day during science week and will be immersed in a series of tabloid style activities in small groups, where they will be challenged by a variety of…

Rochester Secondary College School Network Event

Rochester’s current Year 10 students from our space and motion subject engage the Year 6 students from local feeder primary schools to teach them STEM based activities. The Year 10 students put together different activities to run with the students from different schools. This is a great opportunity for both the audience and the presenters,…

Day of Space Adventure

The Year 5/6 space experts will facilitate rotational and engaging activities for our space cadets; students, teachers and parents (pending COVID-19 restrictions) in their purpose built Space Station (classroom). Activities will include a simulator space shuttle ride (chairs) where passengers will enjoy a trip via link up to SPACE X, where our cadets will learn…

Fantastic Festival of Food and Flight

Students will be involved in a variety of STEM challenges around the topic of FOOD and FLIGHT. They will work together in multi-age teams to complete the challenges and earn points for their houses. Students will be engaged in critical thinking as they design, test and refine their creations. They will use problem solving and…

Kilcoy State School Science Fair

Kilcoy State School are excited to whet our appetites with 2021’s National Science Week theme of Food: Different by Design. From Prep to Year 6, all classes will showcase their amazing work by creating Science Stations with visual displays linked to hands-on activities and technology of their chosen Science unit topic or STEM passion. This…

Greg Quicke – Astronomer and author at Broome Library

Greg Quicke will share his journey through space and time to become a famous astronomer and author of two non-fiction books, and provides an every-day insight into the otherwise complex science of astronomy.  Greg delivers Astro Tour shows from May to October near Broome. He has also written two non-fiction books on the topic of…

Jingili Science Expo and Science Fair

Jingili’s Science Fair is a longstanding tradition at our school and involves students from Preschool to Year 6 participating. It has evolved over time and includes a science expo, where experts from the community come in to showcase science in the real world, which is then transferred to students being the experts where they showcase…

Star Gazing at the Junction

Join us as we capture the imagination of children and adults alike as we look to the stars with the Perth Observatory to gain a better understanding of the world we live in and how it changes around us. A family event for local shire residents and visitors to our region, the free event Gazing…

World of Drones and Robotics Congress 2021

The 5th World of Drones and Robotics Congress will be the largest drone and robotics application Congress in the Asia Pacific region. In 2020, during peak Covid-19, the congress was successfully presented to some 800 physical in-person and virtual delegates. Half the attendees came in-person. Delegates from America to Zimbabwe attended. Abstract Submissions Submit an…

ICRAR Monologue Competition Winners

Join us online and on Noongar Boodjar as we announce the winners of the inaugural ICRAR Monologue Competition. Writers from around Western Australia created Monologues about the problems that science raises and solves. Performers brought creative solutions to life in a web series for the wider Australian audience to enjoy. These videos are not short…