Artist Jon Butt and collaborator Lewis Gittuswill create a soundtrack using muon detections made onsite, allowing interstellar particles to form musical passages. The Muon Sound Lab creates an open studio space, occupying an intersection between science experimentation and creative studio practice. Visitors can watch live sound creation, talk with the artists and engage in conversations around the opposing forces of science research and poetic intuition to better…
Topic: Space and Astronomy
Science is Better than Fiction
Join us for an evening of scientific wonder as Swinburne’s Astronomers and Science Communicators provide you with a captivating glimpse into life within STEM fields. They’ll break down the science they perform daily and share their insights on what they believe will be the next big thing in Physics and Astronomy. Costume competition Science really…
Social Animals Party for National Science Week
There will be late night exhibition viewing of our latest exhibition DARK MATTERS, some naughty zebras from Born In A Taxi, wild decorations, live music, food, drinks and a toast to celebrate being together again. If you work for a Victoria-based university, institute, museum, garden, zoo, or for STEM industries & government agencies, this is…
STEMX Speed Networking: For women and gender diverse humans
This event supports diversity and inclusion in the STEM fields by focusing on connecting women and gender diverse people together. This event is a speed-meeting event where you’ll have the unique opportunity to connect with industry-leading women working in STEM in direct conversation. The event will bring together people from research, major technology companies, engineering…
Astrophotography Workshop
The astrophotography workshop introduces concepts that will assist both the beginner amateur and professional photographer to take stunning photographs of the night sky. Night sky photography is very different to that done in daylight. The afternoon has an array of talks given by experienced and award-winning astrophotographers, with (weather permitting) practical hands-on sessions during the evening…
Australia’s Astronaut in training: In conversation with Katherine Bennell-Pegg
The Australian Space Agency’s Katherine Bennell-Pegg is the first person to be trained as an astronaut under the Australian Flag. Join in online as Katherine beams in from Germany where she is currently training with the European Space Agency. Hear about a day in the life of an astronaut-in-training, Katherine’s career journey and her advice…
The Physics Show
Physics helps us to understand how the world around us works and the Physics Show will demonstrate the way Physics gives us powerful tools to help us to express our creativity, to see the world in new ways, and then to change it. Be prepared to be amazed and wowed as our scientists demonstrate some…
Science Gets Real: From problem to lab innovation to real-world impact.
Taxpayers, industry partners, private donors, and international students fund university research. How can we increase the tangible social, economic, and environmental returns on this investment? Hear three inspiring stories from scientists whose innovations are solving real-world problems. When many don’t, why did these researchers succeed in moving their great ideas out of the lab and…
Kirwan State School Science Fair
Come along and see what our Year 6 students have discovered in a series of experiments that have been designed, completed, and presented by the students themselves. Each student has worked hard to prepare a science experiment or investigation on a topic of their choice. They are excited to share their results and conclusions they…
Sharing Science Morning Tea
A morning tea full of opportunities to share your science experience, learn from each other and learn together.