Physics in the Pub

Quantum Light, the Aurora and Prophecies What makes the aurora so beautiful? Why is science predatory? How can airline weight limits help us solve the Biggest Problems in physics? All will be revealed when local Sydney physicists take to the stage for Physics in the Pub. Quizzes, comedy and damn interesting science are on the…

Pathways to Citizen Science

The upcoming ACSA-WA Citizen Science Forum Pathways to Citizen Science will present a range of citizen science practitioners across WA describing their fascinating projects.  The aim is to promote ways to engage in current citizen science projects and to discuss successful engagement strategies and project outcomes. We have a great line-up of outstanding citizen science…

Space! ANSTO’s Research Now and in the Future

Celebrate National Science Week with a special presentation from physicist and innovator, Dr Ceri Brenner, on the incredible new space research being undertaken in the Sutherland Shire at ANSTO. Join Dr Ceri Brenner, ANSTO’s leader of the Centre for Accelerator Science, for an engaging look at some key research occurring locally which includes: Understanding the…

Creation Creation

How did we get here? Are aliens real? And is it possible to lick your elbow? Based on interviews with members of the community aged between 8 – 102, Creation Creation is a comedy about life’s biggest mysteries. Two fearless creators will step onto the stage and attempt to unravel the mysteries of the universe using whatever…

THINK SCIENCE! at Old Gippstown

Come see the wonders of science at Old Gippstown’s THINK SCIENCE! event. We will have a large range of engaging activities and stalls for both children and adults alike. Our heritage park, where we are hosting the event, has 8 acres of space to hold stalls and activities and we are filling it up quickly….

Science in the Centres

Come past Westfield Belconnen, Westfield Woden, South.Point Tuggeranong, Cooleman Court, or the Canberra Centre to discover the exciting science behind growing mushrooms, engineering with lego, parasites, geology, space, robotics, and much more. A variety of hands-on science activities will be on display across the different locations during the weekends of National Science Week (13 –…

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

An evening designed to allow you to explore the wonders of science. Wander through classrooms filled with challenges- create the longest fibre optic fibre, use a laser cutter to cut your own key chains, use microscopes to see things too small for the human eye and loads more. Each classroom is set up to show…

Neighbourhood Earth

Join us on an exciting space adventure at Neighbourhood Earth. This award-winning exhibition features a faithful 1:1 recreation of an ISS section, interactive learning activities and games, as well as a space cinema experience. Perfect for parents and kids who want to enjoy time together while learning about our universe, the exhibition takes you on…