Tempus Fugit — It’s about Time: ‘art meets science’

In a spontaneous collaboration where ‘art meets science’, sculptor Duncan Moon will display his work ‘Tempus Fugit’ as a visual context to Physics Professor Michael Tobar’s lecture ‘It’s about Time: Clocks, Quantum Technology and the Quest for a Physical Theory of Everything’. “Tempus fugit: time flies, time is against us, time on our side, time…

Ainslie School Meet-a-Scientist Nano Conference

Eighteen Scientists associated with the Ainslie School community will participate in the Ainslie School Meet-a-Scientist Nano Conference. The purpose of this event is to  increase students’ appreciation of the scope and delights of science as well as expose them to a range of adults who have sustained a passion for scientific curiosity. The event will…

Space School for Kids

Join one of our highly experienced astronomers where you will learn all about the stars and make a constellation. You will then head into the Planetarium for an interactive session where you can marvel at the immense scale of the Universe and observe the breath-taking beauty of the night skies projected on the eight-metre domed…

Science at Parramatta Online Trivia Quiz

Sick of lockdown isolation? Then join your fellow science enthusiasts for this fast and furious, live and online, trivia quiz. The Science at Parramatta Trivia Quiz will feature the topics: The Earth, The body, The sky. It will test your knowledge of some amazing science associated with Parramatta, from agriculture to biology, medicine to archaeology,…

WeAreBrisbane Twitter x National Science Week

WeAreBrisbane Twitter account @WeAreBrisbane will feature a different Queensland-based STEM professional each day, as part of daily rotation curation of the account. Come follow us on from Monday 16 – Sunday 22 August. Learn about what people are working on in STEM in Queensland directly from those in the field, and also see that they’re…

A Smorgasbord of STEM

Students will engage in a menu of STEM activities that involve making, creating and exploring a range of scientific concepts. Amended program due to COVID restrictions. Parent and community event to be re-scheduled.

Guest Speakers at Wavell

The Year 11 University of Queensland  have invited 4 guest speakers. They will be using “Teams” to present various science topics to the students at Wavell State High School. The topics are: genetically modified foods, psychiatric genetics (mental health), immunology, and quantum physics specifically quantum chaos and thermalization. The presentations will start at 1.10pm and…

Women in STEM: Navigating Barriers to Leadership

Women in STEM, including emerging and established leaders, experience exacerbated barriers to retention, leadership development and success due to a complex web of factors underpinned by STEM disciplines being primarily male-dominated. This free live webinar explores key barriers and associated protective factors and provides practical strategies to assist women navigate the challenge of leading in…

Big Science Quiz

The University of Queensland Year 11 student ambassadors will run a quiz using the brain break materials provided from National Science Week. Students will participate in teams and prizes will be awarded to the inners after the three rounds.