One Arm Point Remote Community School will be working with community members to hold a science festival that focuses on the traditional knowledge from Bardi Country. This festival continues our work with the Two-Way Science program and the students’ interest in environmental science and authentic engineering. The activities will tie in with some of the…

Settlers Primary School Science Week Spectacular

Every student in our school from Kindergarten to Year 6 will participate in tabloid style hands-on science activities throughout National Science Week. Each year group participates on one day during Science Week and will be immersed in a series of tabloid style activities in small groups, where they will be challenged by a variety of…

Campbell Primary School Science Buddies Workshop and Family STEM Night

With the wonderful support of The ACT Academy of Future Skills, Campbell Primary School will host a range of activities across a full day and evening of science fun. Starting with a buddy session during the standard school day where senior Campbell Primary students will lead their younger peers through a series of activities to…

National Science Week at St John Bosco College

Our secondary students will be trained to run 1 of 4 activities about the use of AI in future industries. They will then run these activities as part of round robin of activities for primary students from Pre-K to year 6. We will use the deSales Resource Centre for this event.  Activity 1: Primary students will…

A World of Robots

Special Needs students at Joondalup Education Support Centre will be participating in learning activities about robots. This is aligned with the National Science Week theme of Innovation – Powering Future Industries. Activity stations and hands-on learning experiences will showcase and emerge students into the world of robotics and AI (Artificial intelligence) and include a range…

Towradgi Public School Science Fair

The school’s science fair and expo is an opportunity for students to share their science knowledge and build community understanding of scientific concepts, with a particular focus on the use of Indigenous scientific knowledge across all areas of scientific understanding.

St Thomas More’s Science Fair

St Thomas More will be holding STEM rotations as well as a Science Fair open to students and parents. 11:00am – Brain Break Morning Tea for staff Groups will rotate through the following activities: 11:40 – 12:20: STEM Rotation 1: Binary Beads 12:20 – 1:00: STEM Rotation 2: Paper Planes 1:00 – 1:40: Lunch Break…

Broughton Anglican College STEAM Fair

Broughton Anglican College will be hosting a whole school STEAM fair. Our STEAM fair will include: presentations and displays of students’ work and projects from across the school (Junior school, science, technology, mathematics and art). a range of interactive activities run by school staff and STEM students. displays and interactive activities run by outside providers…

Innovation Ideation

Although 2032 seems a long-time away planning, building and preparation is being made to create a successful Olympic Games. The plan is for the games to be more sustainable games and this is pushing innovation in different technologies. During National Science Week students can participate in an innovation symposium where they can investigate some emerging…