A public lecture by a leading astronomer to share the history of astronomy from the first people to stare at the skies, to the handmade telescopes of Galileo, to the modern-day instruments probing the universe. The lecture explores science as a human endeavour: from the first people to stare at the sky and wonder, the…
Topic: Innovation and Technology
Learn How to Eavesdrop on Animals with CallTrackers
Discover how scientists listen in on the secret lives of bats and bitterns. We’ll introduce you to some of the gadgets and the scientists using them to discover what some of Tasmania’s most secretive residents and visitors are up to. Learn how eavesdropping on bats helps unlock their secret world with Dr Lisa Cawthen. Meet…
DnM’s Launch
A community for science, tech and venture founded by those who care. Share your journey with others over a drink, have meaningful chats with investors, get feedback on your journey ahead and find your north star. We’re excited to see you there for our launch at 6pm on 18 August in Surry Hills (location will…
Beyond the Lab with IMNIS Catalysts
Beyond the Lab is a webinar series for students in Years 8 to 12 around Australia in which IMNIS Catalysts will share their non-traditional STEM career journeys. Join IMNIS Catalysts Dr Beatrice Chiew and Tian Nie as they discuss their careers and life Beyond The Lab. Beatrice completed her bachelor’s degree at the Monash Institute of…
Stronger Than Fiction 2022 Documentary Series: FIRE OF LOVE
FIRE OF LOVE Katia and Maurice Krafft had a burning passion for two things – each other, and volcanoes. When geochemist Katia and geologist Maurice met in 1966, sparks flew immediately. In the decades that followed, the intrepid and unconventional scientists devoted themselves to their shared obsession: chasing lava around the world. Unfazed by extreme…
Intro to STEM
Two STEM workshops will be held on 21 August at Waverley Community Learning Centre in Mt Waverley. Future Engineers (10:00 – 11:00 am) is for children ages 5 to 8 and Advanced Robotics (11:30 – 12:30 pm) is for children ages 8 to 12. Children will have an opportunity to explore architecture, engineering and technology…
Guiding the Trajectory of Australia’s Space Technology
The Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer invites you to the Science & Research Breakfast Seminar Series. Australia has the key ingredients to create a credible space industry, including strong space ambitions, successful research, world-class talent and supportive funds. But while space has become much more accessible, it is still a challenging frontier….
Anthropomorphic Machine in Concert at Science Gallery Melbourne
Stelarc teams up with the BOLT Ensemble and James Hullick for a concert at Science Gallery Melbourne. In collaboration with Science Gallery Melbourne, Stelarc will launch his latest creation, the Anthropomorphic Machine, presented as part of the SWARM exhibition. Hullick has composed a new work that will be performed by a woodwind quartet of BOLT…
Lids 4 Kid: Plastics recycling and innovation
ACT NoWaste is hosting a webinar on Webex from 4:00 – 5:00 pm on Thursday 18 August. Tim Miller will be interviewed by ACT NoWaste. Tim is the founder and ACT Australian of the year. Lids4Kids started out as a collection point for unrecyclable materials including lids. Tim thought, there must be something we can…
Hopetoun of the Future
The students will be embarking on a journey to design and create their Hopetoun of the future. The event will require the students to collaborate, share, innovate, inquire, imagine and construct in a joint effort to bring the future into the present. The activities the students will be undertaking include: constructing the town and its…