DnM’s Launch

A community for science, tech and venture made by those who care. Share your journey with others over a drink, have meaningful chats with investors, get feedback on your journey ahead and find your north star. We’re excited to see you there for our launch : 6pm 18th August, Surry Hills, Sydney ( Location will…

STEM Through the Looking Glass – NYSF Connect Webinar

Have you ever wondered what Australia’s Chief Scientist does in her day? What about a research fellow, an exercise physiologist, or an optometrist? Join our panel, featuring Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Cathy Foley AO PSM and our incredible National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) Year 12 Program Alumni as they discuss what makes up their workday…

The Future of Space Exploration in Australia

Ever dreamt of a career in the space industry? It’s not just for engineers and Astrophysicists, come and learn how you could get involved. Nate Taylor will discuss the role of the Australian Space Agency in global research, and the opportunity it presents for young professionals entering the space industry. He’s keen to answer all…

Human behaviour and performance on the Hi-SEAS mission

Ever wondered what it would be like to live on Mars? Join us for a fascinating presentation about Lisa’s experience in a Mars simulator. Lisa Stojanovski will be discussing their role in the NASA HI-SEAS VI Mars Simulator mission and the path that brought them to their exciting career. Analogue missions are the closest humanity…

ARI Seminar: Deer populations and knowledge gaps for research

National Science Week celebrates the many ways in which science enriches our lives and helps us make informed decisions. In this seminar, you will hear from two of our ARI senior scientists, Dr Dave Ramsey and Dr Matt Bruce. Dave will share an example of how we use science to inform deer management and Matt…

Robogals Arduino Workshop

Join us for a workshop run by Robogals covering the fundamentals of Arduino. The first part of the session will introduce students to basic circuit components such as LEDs, resistors, breadboards, and wires. They will then be introduced to the Arduino integrated development environment and basic coding. Through a series of three activities, they will …

Robogals Arduino Workshop

Join us for a workshop run by Robogals covering the fundamentals of Arduino. The first part of the session will introduce students to basic circuit components such as LEDs, resistors, breadboards, and wires. They will then be introduced to the Arduino integrated development environment and basic coding. Through a series of three activities, they will…

Laboratory Time!

The Menzies-Ramaciotti Centre is hosting a half-day of science activities for high school students. Students will participate in hands-on Laboratory Time! activities, including the most common microbiology and molecular biology techniques performed in modern laboratories without the need to be in a laboratory. The activities include Extract DNA from a banana using household items Perform…