Jon Iredell: Superbugs

By 2050, antibiotic resistant infections are projected to become the leading cause of death worldwide resulting in approximately 10 million deaths annually. Professor Jon Iredell is a specialist in infectious diseases and microbiology at Westmead Hospital, Professor of Medicine and Microbiology at The University of Sydney and Director of the Westmead Institute for Medical Research…

Women in Health Science

Panel: Challenges and Opportunities for women in research Prof. Katherine Daniell is a Research Fellow at the 3A Institute – the Australian National University’s innovation institute building a new branch of engineering to take AI-enabled cyber-physical systems safely, responsibly and sustainably to scale. She is also President of the Australian French Association for Research and Innovation….

100 Climate Conversations Martin Green: Pioneering solar

In 1983, Martin Green led a team that invented the PERC cell, a solar power technology that allows more sunlight to be captured and turned into electricity. This innovation, further developed by Green and his team, is now used in over 90 per cent of global silicon solar module production. Green is in conversation with…

Moonlander Challenge

Come along to Healesville Library for a challenge to build a Moonlander out of cups, plates and popsicle sticks. Once built, you will drop the moon lander to try and land it on the moon and hopefully keep your 3D printed astronaut safe. The craft activity should take around 25 minutes to complete, and we…

KIOSC Science Communication Conference

KIOSC is proud to support innovations in STEM education for Victorian schools and is very excited to be celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2022.  Teams of students have the opportunity to give a conference-style presentation on a project they have completed recently at school. The conference will mimic academic research conferences and trade shows, with…

Good Glass: The science of photography and visual perception | Webinar

There is a saying in photography that a photograph is only as good as the glass on the front of the camera – with many professional photographers investing thousands of dollars in high quality lenses. But of course, that is only a part of what the process is for making images. To really understand photography,…

Family Science Expo

Celebrate National Science Week with Chelsea Heights Community Centre. Bring the whole family to the exciting world of science in a fun and interactive way. Starting with the show Get scientwisted!, the public will be then invited to participate in different hands-on activities to nurture curious thinking in everyday life. Meet local organisations to speak…

Microclimates – From the coast to the foothills

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield Libraries is developing a microclimate citizen science project. Called From the coast to the foothills we are looking not only to provide learning opportunities during National Science Week but also want to involve our community in the project leading up to August – attend our IoT Experimenters Group or…

Live from the Lab: In Conversation

Join us on Wednesday 17 August for a captivating evening, where researchers and musicians involved in Live from the Lab (LFTL), reveal the personal stories behind the science, breakdown the wonders and complexity and draw out the connections and emotions captured in the new musical compositions. Hosted by Associate Professor Alice Motion. Live from the…

Science Gallery Melbourne – Open Day | Get Your Motor Running

Do you have a need… a need for speed? Join Science Gallery as we explore the math and the mechanics of how to make things go fast. Head on downstairs from the gallery and put your engineering skills to the test, designing and making an electric speedster from some unlikely materials. Then, race it down…