Bayview Secondary College Science Fair

The Bayview Secondary College Science Fair will showcase projects undertaken by students in Years 7 to 10, surrounding the theme Glass: More than meets the eye.  Students will gain an understanding about the properties of glass, and the applications of glass in industry, music, design, and art. They will present their ideas and findings as…

Science Week at Wavell State High School

National Science Week at Wavell State High School will be run by our Year 11 UQ Science Ambassadors and will involve the following activities that are themed around this years’ theme Glass, more than meets the eye: Process engineer and technical manager from CSR Masonry and Insulation to talk to students on science and properties…

Science, Technology and Sustainability Tour – Huon Valley

Science, technology, engineering and maths – STEM – provide career opportunities for young people concerned about the future. We will visit four local businesses in the Huon Valley using problem solving to find innovative solutions in aquaculture, agriculture  engineering and technology. It will include information about training and education pathways in STEM for employment opportunities to…

Aboriginal Ranger STEM virtual excursion into published books – Crocodile monitoring

A recording of the live event of Kakadu National Park and DEMED Rangers from the NT presenting 25 mins each on how and why they harvest crocodile eggs. Rangers discuss the ‘How, What, Why’ of scientific inquiry and demonstrate: data collection and analysis; conservation strategies; and ask what can we do? Opportunity for teachers to…

Aboriginal Ranger STEM virtual excursion into published books – Turtle monitoring

Recording of a live event: Aboriginal Rangers from 80 Mile Beach in the Kimberley, WA, and Cape York in Queensland discuss their turtle monitoring program. See footage of digging up the nests and counting the hatchlings’ success. See how the Rangers use technology to document data and how & why this data is analysed. Rangers…

Moggill State School’s Paper Aeroplane Making Competition

Moggill State School will celebrate National Science Week with a culminating activity of a paper aeroplane making competition. As part of students’ Design and Technology unit about Flight, students will learn about the elements of flight including lift, thrust, drag and gravity to design and make a paper aeroplane using various materials including paper, card…

Mowbray Heights Primary School Biennial Science Fair

Every two years our two large meeting halls are transformed into a Science Fair extravaganza. Staff, both teaching and support, provide a hands on activity table which is accessed throughout a day by our 550 students.  The overall theme for the event is about glass, but the tables do not have to reflect this. We…

Northern Support School Science Show

Student Leaders from our K-12 Special Education facility will be creating an action-packed science show to engage learners across the grades and build enthusiasm for STEM. They will be exploring biological, earth, space, physical & chemical sciences and demonstrating what scientific inquiry looks like for our diverse range of learners. In addition to filming a…

Festival of Bright Ideas 2022

FOBI is Tasmania’s largest public STEM event with more than 40 hands-on activities and workshops under one roof. There is also a mainstage program featuring some of Australia’s favourite science performers. Check out our website for all the details. Tickets are available online. There are 3 sessions available to attend at 9:00 am, 11:30 am…

Windows into Worlds

Our focus for this year is Windows into the Worlds of Science, as a link to the National Science Week theme of Glass: More than meets the eye. All students will participate in glass-related STEM activities and science investigations during their science lessons e.g. investigating stained glass lollies and the properties of glass, making kaleidoscopes,…