Communicating Science Through Games Workshop | Perth

In partnership with National Science Week, join us at SAE Creative Media Institute Perth for a free Communicating Science Through Games workshop. Have you ever wanted to explore making games? How about making games with meaning? Share knowledge of your favourite scientific field through your own game. You can tell an interactive story; Make an…

The Science of Ears & Hearing | Research program for high school students

Calling all Perth budding researchers. Take part in our research program, and be mentored by Ear Science Institute Australia’s Brain & Hearing research team.  Ear Science will provide students with an opportunity to immerse themselves in a real-life research project, impacting on the lives of people with hearing impairment and contributing to our impact in…

Communicating Science Through Games Workshop | For women and girls

In partnership with National Science Week, join us at SAE Creative Media Institute Perth for a free Communicating Science Through Games workshop. Have you ever wanted to explore making games? How about making games with meaning? Share knowledge of your favourite scientific field through your own game. You can tell an interactive story; Make an…

Social Entrepreneurship, Complexity Science & Systems Thinking

There are two social entrepreneurship approaches that focus on addressing complex wicked problems: the complexity approach which is underpinned by complexity science, and the social innovation school approach which is underpinned by systems thinking.  During this webinar we will compare and contrast these systems social entrepreneurship approaches. Social entrepreneurship’s complexity approach focuses on the creation…

Australia’s International Space Race

Australia has always punched above it weight in science, technology & engineering and our foray into the international space race has been no different. With the creation of the Australian Space Agency in 2018 we have only strengthened our position on the global stage, forging new opportunities and allowing us to work more collaboratively across…

Hervey Bay SHS Food and Science Spectacular

During Friday Recess 1, students will be able to participate in a range of activities from blowing up marshmallows, tasting food made from bugs, milky way swirls and a whole lot more. Participating students will go into the draw to win their very own microscope.

Deakin University – LIVE Panel – Explore Science Careers

Live Panel – Explore Science Careers Meet real scientists and industry professionals studying and working in different areas with years theme Food: Different by Design. Hear about their career journeys as you explore the many jobs available in science and learn about different pathways. Suitable for secondary students and families.

Deakin University – Edible Lolly DNA

Learn how DNA makes individuals unique and contributes to the different traits we express. Have fun creating a visual representation using lollies. For this workshop you will need: toothpicks four different colours of the same lolly for the shorter strands. For example: marshmallows, gummy bears, party lollies. liquorice straps or lolly straps for the larger…