Catapult Into my Mouth

Anyone thought about projectiles and how things are launched? Have you been told that throwing food was frowned upon? Now you have an excuse to do it. The physics of  catapults (such as Newton’s Laws of Motion and Energy conservation) will be explained in this event. You may be able to even calculate the energy…


STEAMFest is a festival of science based around the theme Food: Different by Design to promote interest in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Maths. The event will bring together students, teachers and academics to acknowledge outstanding achievement for STEAM students in the Moreton Bay Region. Students from primary and secondary schools will…

Year 6 Arduino Controlling Light Lessons at Meridan State College

In this sequence of lessons, students will investigate how electrical energy can control light (circuitry) as they work in pairs to code their flashing lights to a piece of music. The learning focuses on growth mindset and perseverance and is linked to the curriculum in Science, Digital Technologies and Design and Technologies.The Year 6 lessons…

Year 6 Arduino Controlling Light Lessons at Hercules Road State School

In this sequence of lessons, students will investigate how electrical energy can control light (circuitry) as they work in pairs to code their flashing lights to a piece of music. The learning focuses on growth mindset and perseverance and is linked to the curriculum in Science, Digital Technologies and Design and Technologies The Year 6…

Giant Rube Goldberg Machine

We will be constructing a student created Rube Goldberg Machine that spans across our school. There will be 3 distinct components for our Prep to Year 2, Year 3 to 4 and Year 5-6, which will be joined together to create one massive machine.  This enrichment activity is providing opportunities for our students to take a…

Bundy High RoadShow

Bundaberg State High School students will travel round to nine primary schools in Bundaberg and deliver a fun and interactive show. Our senior science students will do an exciting show with demonstration of chemistry, physics and biology with displays using dry ice, force and friction, conductivity, pressure, and magnetism. Primary students will get the chance…

National Science Week at Windaroo State School

All 930 of our students will be involved in a two week long National Science Week celebration of Food – Different By Design. We have secured a life sized fibreglass dairy cow from Dairy Australia. This is being decorated by the students (using mosaic tiles) to highlight the foods we get from the dairy industry….

Our Deadly Science

Australia’s First Nations Peoples have the longest continuing culture on Earth, passing on the lessons of land, sea and sky to future scientists through stories, song and dance. As the 2021 Sydney Science Festival Ambassador, Corey Tutt will deliver a keynote address celebrating the breadth and depth of knowledge of our first scientists – from…

Pandemics – Past, Present and Future

Against the backdrop of the devastating coronavirus – hypothesised as ‘Disease X’ by World Health Organisation epidemiologists long before its arrival – our formidable panel of virus experts will examine learnings from past pandemics and how they have shaped the society we live in today. They will also discuss the ways in which scientists are…

Collingwood College Science Afternoon

Students and families in Year 2 to 8 are invited to join us for an afternoon of hands-on activities exploring the science and technology behind our food. Learn about indigenous food to Australia, create a fishing net, make plastic out of milk, learn how our food waste can be turned into methane for cooking and…