Our Journey of Food Day will include a variety of experiences for students where they will broaden their understanding of how food is produced and the importance of sustainable agricultural practices. The day will involve students from ELC to Year 6 and will include a rotation of engaging, hands-on learning experiences both in the school…
Topic: Innovation and Technology
Master Chef Challenge
One student will be selected from each year to compete for the title of GMAS MasterChef. To be selected the students must submit a 30-second video showing their dish, skills, and commentary on why they should be selected. Videos to be submitted by 1 August. The link to drop your entry will be provided via…
Scintillating Science Quiz
Test your knowledge against some of the finest scientific minds at Murdoch University across the four high-school science subjects. This event will be held online and is open to the whole community – people of all ages are encouraged to participate. Get your friends together to compete or compete on your own for giveaways and…
Banksia Park School R-7 Chemistry Clowns
Banksia Park School R-7 will be presenting an interactive science show demonstrating some crazy concepts in food technology. There will be in class demonstration and a whole school assembly. In class, students will investigating mixing and chemical changes through an investigating jelly. Students will compare making jelly traditionally and making jelly with liquid nitrogen. Due…
Durack School Science Fair
An all day Science Fair will be held at Durack School on Thursday 19 August from 9am until 2pm. Students will participate in a whole school event that explores food, fibre, natural medicines, energy, chemistry & related technology.
Invention Convention: Future thinking to protect our food crops from climate change
Students will be involved in a think tank to research analyse the impact climate change is having on our food crops – eg: extreme storms effecting banana crops. As part of this, we will engage with local farmers to discuss their views on the effects of climate change and our food sources. Students will then…
Science Alive!
Science Alive! is the largest mobile science exhibition in Australia, bringing together the big names in science and technology – it really is all kinds of awesome! There are over 60 exhibitors at Adelaide Showground with interactive, fun, dynamic and educative displays designed to spark the curiosity in all of us, plus science shows for all…
Apples and Pears – fresh and dried
Our two Kinder classes – the Kinder Apples and the Kinder Pears come together each Wednesday for shared learning experiences. We will be using our new food dehydrator to engage in some food science including: observing pieces of fresh pear and apple and their properties with our senses predicting what might happen if we placed…
Indigenous Science Experience Online
What can Aboriginal astronomy tell us about the night sky? How is our native flora used as bush medicine? What can we learn about sustainable living from 60 000+ years of Indigenous culture? Find out the answers to these questions and more during the Indigenous Science Experience Online. The Indigenous Science Experience Online will consist…
Mid-Afternoon Masterclass: Calculating whale migration
Long-distance whale migration is a spectacular phenomenon! Every year many species travel huge distances from feeding grounds near the planet’s poles to breeding grounds in warmer waters. Some animals rely on navigational cues such as the magnetic field and celestial information to orient themselves. Frequently, migration occurs as a group, and this “wisdom of the…