Did you know that nearly all Australians aged 2-18, and 9 in 10 adults aged 19 and over do not consume enough vegetables. Many remote and rural communities in Australia don’t have adequate access to fresh foods contributing to food insecurity in those areas. Tata Consultancy Services in partnerships with Food Ladder and Woolworths Australia…
Topic: Innovation and Technology
goIT Girls
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) invites female students in Years 10 and 11 to participate in the GoIT Girls work experience program. This one of a kind, no-cost, week-long work experience program for Year 10 and 11 female students, helps to inspire a new generation of innovators and science technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) professionals. The program…
National Science Week at the Cathedral with Tony Rinaudo the Forest Maker
This year’s annual National Science Week at the Cathedral (St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral in Melbourne) will feature the revolutionary work of Australian missionary agronomist Tony Rinaudo. Millions of hectares of Africa have been regenerated through Tony’s work, which now promises to be a significant part of the solution to climate change. Register now online. Contact…
Amazing Robotic Animals
Come and discover the world of bionic technology and learn how robots can mimic animal movements. This interactive session will give young people the opportunity to solve problems using bionic methods in a creative and uncomplicated way – by building a bionic fish. Participants will walk away with an understanding of this innovative bionic technology…
Get a Grip On Science
Staff and Science Ambassadors invite all Year 4 and 5 Students on the Fraser Coast to join the St Mary’s College After School STEM Program. Register separately for each weekly event by following the links on the website, clicking the corresponding registration button and completing the form. Session Times Start – Arrive at 3.15pm event…
St Marys STEM Immersion Day
The students at St Marys will rotate around six STEM activities throughout the day. The students will be divided into small groups of approximately 15 students and will participate in a variety of hands-on activities led by the teachers. The various activities will include: build a rocket for a water rocket launcher design and build…
Light on Painting: how programming the spectrum of white light produces new colours
Rethinking painting as it appears when lit by “non-classical” white light has been one of Belgian artist Adrien Lucca’s main research projects for several years. In the presentation he will introduce his research methods, the laboratory where he uses chemistry, spectrometry, electronics and computer science for artistic purposes and his results: exhibitions, publications and artworks….
Bush Foods and Science workshop
First Nations Peoples have used plants as food for thousands of years. In this one-hour interactive workshop participants will learn about: the cultural significance of bush food; Indigenous plant identification and growing conditions; and edible uses of plants. During the workshop you will learn in-depth information about how Indigenous peoples have been using these plants…
Food *WASTE* Different by Design
Celebrate National Science Week with Actsmart School’s Food *Waste* Different by Design virtual event. Tune in to have a live panel of Canberra’s food waste experts answer your students’ questions. Hear from Belinda from OzHarvest that are famous for their work rescuing food. Laura from Go Terra will join us – you should check out…
Seeing Things Differently
These two events are scheduled for Friday 20 August (for school groups) and Saturday 21 August (for families and the general public). Visitors will have the opportunity to see inside Adelaide’s Micro-X factory, which develops and produces next generation X-ray imaging equipment incorporating innovative design and carbon nanotube technology. Free photography workshops, presented by Digido…