Online experiments, activities and stories @ Richmond Tweed Regional Library

Join us at Richmond Tweed Regional Library for National Science Week. Check out our very special National Science Week YouTube playlist, get involved by trying out an experiment or activity and keep an eye out for our free online events all week. Monday 17 August Slime it up! with Ian @ 10am online program on…

Deep Blue – Meet The Scientists Q&A

Our marine scientists from the WA Museum will be answering questions at this special Q&A event focused on young people aged 7 – 17 years. Join them as they chart their careers and describe how they ended up exploring the ocean floor thousands of metres below the surface in deep canyons off the WA coast…

‘Fake Out’: citizen science challenge

Do you believe what you see? Did Obama really say that (he probably did but not on video)? What are Spiderman and Iron Man doing in Back to the Future? Deep fakes, like YouTuber EZRyderX47’s Back to the Future deepfake video (image featured here), are getting better and better and humans remain the best judges of the…

Possible Impossibles Online Forum

How can Science offer us a path of hope for our post COVID lives and world? What tools can Science give us to help society recover, rebuild, and thrive in the future? The Victorian Parliament will partner with the Royal Society of Victoria to host a live online community forum exploring how science can help…

Dive into the Deep Blue with the SharkSmart team

Dive into the Deep Blue with the SharkSmart team After five years of research and trials the NSW Shark Management Strategy has wrapped up. To celebrate the amazing work, we are offering three lucky schools the chance to chat with our scientists in (virtual) person. Who can enter? Primary and High schools are eligible to…

Cochlear Aurora Science Photo Contest

Flinders University’s annual Cochlear Aurora Photo  Science Contest is providing girls with an opportunity to learn the science behind natural phenomena and enabling reflection on the interface between art and science. The contest was established five years ago with the aim to inspire more girls towards futures in science. The contest offers cash prizes to South…

A Voice to the Stars: Defining Humanity for a New Generation

Since time immemorial, humans have looked up and asked a simple question – ‘are we alone?’ In 1974, the Arecibo Observatory sent out a radio message to the final frontier, crafted by a team of experts – a calling card to those of the great beyond. In 2018, the call sounded again, with schools and…

Walking with Scientists VR

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a field scientist? At ARI, our researchers get up to all kinds of amazing fieldwork all over Victoria, sometimes in remote places and with rare species. Fieldwork is a critical part of how we learn about our environment and the backbone of our science, and we…

Questacon and Shell Science Circus Virtual Tour of Western NSW

For the duration of Science Week Questacon and the Shell Science Circus will be virtually dropping into schools in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia to investigate the physics of flight. Aimed at Primary school to early high school, the one hour workshop includes a look at what parts of an aeroplane help it…

Questacon Virtual Excursions

Why risk travel when Questacon can come to your school? We are running live one hour workshops for school students from Kindergarten all the way through to Year 12. Students will, with the assistance of our wonderful facilitators explore the ocean, get to grips with the physics of paper planes or learn about the beginnings…