Ever wondered where all those lids that you collected for recycling go? Join us for an evening with Adz from Zero Plastics Australia and learn more about reducing waste and innovative, creative ways to re-purpose and reuse plastics. Every participant will be able to make a product out of recycled plastic. Find out more about…
Topic: Innovation and Technology
Yolla District School Science Evening
Join Yolla District School in celebrating National Science Week and come along for our science evening in which we will celebrate all the amazing science that is happening across our school. Parents and students will have an opportunity to participate in a variety of hands-on experiences including trying the STEM equipment that is available to…
National Science Quiz – LIVE
Want to be part of the audience for the recording of the 2021 National Science Quiz? Well, this is your chance. Charlie Pickering, of ABC’s The Weekly Program, is the host and he will quiz two teams of scientists and science communicators including Professor Alan Duffy, Professor Jared Cole, Dr Jen Martin, Alanta Colley, Catriona…
Girls Day Out in STEM Challenge: The Great Machine Learning Bake-off!
A Recipe for STEM fun. Girls Day Out in STEM is designing food differently this National Science Week: Food: Different by Design. Join us for our challenge: The Great Machine Learning Bake-off. Register: Get access to the SECRET recipes (ask for your parent’s permission first) Prepare: Reach out to your friends and family to form…
Yakult Factory Guided Virtual Tour
Yakult is committed to improving and providing a link between education and the food industry. We are now running guided Virtual Tours of our production facility. The hi-tech facility incorporates food processing equipment designed specifically for manufacturing Yakult, including Yakult’s distinctively-shaped bottles, filling and packaging lines, culture and quality control rooms. Each session is about…
Explore AI workshop
Technology is moving faster than ever before. Computers are getting smaller and smarter, and we’re now used to having Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant answer our every question. But can computers really think? How do machines learn? What actually is artificial intelligence? In this workshop, children and their parents/carers will investigate the differences between machine…
Yeast-catchers Needed, Join the Hunt
The Australian Wine Research Institute has been awarded a citizen science grant to recruit South Australian students to hunt down and catch native Australian yeast over the next four years. This event aimed at teachers and students looking to join the microbe hunt will outline participation in the project and educate students about microbes and…
A Virtual Reality Experience
The Charlton Neighbourhood House will be giving our community the opportunity to dive into the world of virtual reality. Two Oculus headsets will provide a 3D experience to residents of all ages, from young children to older adults, and will show the unlimited possibilities that virtual reality offers. It may be a trip to a…
Generation Ag National Science Week Season Special Podcast
Listen up! What is the outlook for WA’s food future? How will we produce food in a warming climate, how will water scarcity impact us, and how might our diet change? As a part of our featured events, the Western Australian Coordinating Committee is proud to present our National Science Week Season Special within the…
Generation Ag National Science Week Season Special Podcast
Listen up! What is the outlook for WA’s food future? How will we produce food in a warming climate, how will water scarcity impact us, and how might our diet change? As a part of our 2021 featured events, the Western Australian Coordinating Committee is proud to present our National Science Week Season Special within…