Techno-wizardry & Mad Science Night is a gathering of like-minded people who want to explore science and technology in their local area. Speakers can be anyone from dedicated professionals to amateurs hoping to find similar interests.
Topic: Innovation and Technology
In Conversation with author, James Bradley
Public Libraries NSW and Blacktown City Libraries present Amy Heap chatting with James Bradley as he talks about his new book ‘Ghost Species. This free online author talk will be presented via Zoom starting at 6:30pm and ending at 7:30pm (AEST). This will include a Q &A session at the end. Copies of the book…
Women in STEMM Research Symposium: Murdoch University
This annual event enters its second year to celebrate National Science Week and showcase outstanding science and research being conducted by female STEMM staff at Murdoch University. In 2020 we shine the spotlight on the Engineering and IT discipline areas which consistently show the greatest underrepresentation of women in higher education and private sectors. Dr…
Rosetta Tomorrow
Until the discovery of the Rosetta stone, many details of Egyptian life were hidden to modern eyes. Even though we had thousands of artifacts with hieroglyphics on them, the language was so lost to history that none of it could be understood. Carved around 196 BCE, this stone gave the world a glimpse of what…
Immersive Science IV (SciVR): Science Champions (Burnie families)
NOTE: This event involves participation at home with a smartphone and another device that can connect to the internet. SciVR will take you on the hunt for things that go boom. We’ll explore the universe and origins of explosions in space, tracking events as they happen with Alan Duffy and Rebecca Allen. You get stickers and…
Immersive Science IV (SciVR): Science Champions (Henty families)
NOTE: This event involves participation at home with a smartphone and another device that can connect to the internet. SciVR will take you on the hunt for things that go boom. We’ll explore the universe and origins of explosions in space, tracking events as they happen with Alan Duffy and Rebecca Allen. You get stickers and…
Immersive Science IV (SciVR): Science Champions (Crookwell families)
NOTE: This event involves participation at home with a smartphone and another device that can connect to the internet. SciVR will take you on the hunt for things that go boom. We’ll explore the universe and origins of explosions in space, tracking events as they happen with Alan Duffy and Rebecca Allen. You get stickers…
Hope Vale interactive Periodic Table display unveiling
The Hope Vale Periodic Table display supports the Science program Years 4-6 Chemistry Unit that is part of the Class domain of the 6C Education Model developed by Good to Great Schools Australia. The cabinet is a replica of the periodic table standing 2.4 metres long, 1.7 metres high with each element represented by a…
Lake Mac STEAM Week – 2020 Digital Edition
While we can’t run our full STEAM Week program this year you can check out some fun and educational science, technology, engineering, ART and maths content via YouTube.
Online Science Olympiad
We are organising an Online Science Olympiad for students from Years 2 – 9. The quiz will include questions from a variety of scientific field to assess as well as motivate students to get involved and develop a scientific acumen in the younger generation. Each student will be given an appreciation certificate.