Palm Valley Study

Ntaria School middle and senior years students will travel and camp at Palm Valley along with local rangers and community elders. This excursion and camp will be in week five provided there is no restriction for the DOE due to COVID19. During this study trip, the students will learn about the historical background of the…

Maximising Research Impact

Free virtual event designed for research staff and students. We will showcase the different ways to make the most of scientific discoveries that can benefit more people in academia and our broader society. This will be a serious and fun event centred on a hypothetical, but realistic, scenario where our world-class researcher, Prof Katharina Gaus,…

Avoidable Perils

Commissioned by Darwin Festival, Brisbane Festival and Metro Arts Bad things are happening and our heroes are at risk! Will you help save them? From techno-troublemakers Counterpilot comes Avoidable Perils, a new dubious social experiment developed in collaboration with Optikal Bloc. Cartoon heroes are caught up in a series of precarious circumstances that are beamed through screens…

Champion Bay Science Fair

Whatever your interest, make sure you head down to the Science Fair for a fun filled day of science. There will be live demos, challenges, virtual worlds to explore, robots to program as well as plenty of opportunities to get your hands dirty and have a go. So come along and get your science on! #scienceweek…

Melbourne International Film Festival presents The Leadership screening 7-23 Aug

Melbourne International Film Festival presents Australian documentary The Leadership, screening August 7-23. Tickets on sale now. The world is crying out for a new model of leadership, but what is it? One woman thinks she has the answer. Australian CEO and ‘dreamer’ Fabian Dattner leads an international group of 76 female scientists on an Antarctic…

Public Forum on the Moon – Newcastle edition

What would it mean to give “Legal Personhood” to the Moon? The US Executive Order on off-Earth mining, released in April 2020, has sparked an international conversation about Moon mining and the associated ethical, technological, scientific, environmental, and legal issues. Australia has a long history as an international hub for the mining industry, but as…

3D Printing Workshop

This introductory session provides an overview of printing technologies – software, hardware and applications. You will have the chance to turn your creativity into reality. Students will be taught to create a 3D model from scratch and use Inventor Series II printer, to print out the model, and take it home as a souvenir. Workshop…

UTAS Derby: Ready…Set…Race!

Learn to build a model car and test track using easy to find materials. This series of short videos will draw on expertise from local STEAM gurus – straight to your loungeroom (or classroom).  We’d love for you to share your speed machine invention with us through the MakerX Burnie Facebook page.