STEM Saving Lives in Defence

This exhibition will showcase the many ways Defence uses STEM to save lives through the work of their scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians. Examples of STEM saving lives will be drawn from the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the work around the bushfires this summer, as well as many other examples across the Defence workforce.

Behind the Scenes Tour: Explore MAGNT’s Wet Store

Join Senior Collections Manager, Natural Sciences, Gavin Dally as he shares the stories behind the amazing variety of specimens and how they support scientific research and wildlife conservation. Explore the MAGNT Wet Store and peer into jars of preserved animal specimens held as part of MAGNT’s Scientific Reference Collection. You might even catch a rare…

National Science Week Launch + Science Saving Lives

Join us as we officially launch National Science Week and the special ‘Science Saving Lives’ forum. Following the official launch of Science Week, stay online for a very special event that will take you behind the scenes of Australia’s COVID response. Our expert panel will reveal how maths and science expertise has helped to save…

Robots in the Making

The Student Robotics Club of South Australia (the RoboRoos) celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2020, and we are about to kick off two new competition seasons, FIRST Lego League (FLL) and FIRST Tech Challenge. From our NEW Build Site, The Shed at Adelaide Showgrounds we will livestream our students in action as they workshop the…

Making For All

To boost the participation of our disability community during National Science Week, Making for All: Reaching people with disabilities will feature among more than 1000 events across the country. We’ll send 550 or so circuit-making kits to disability organisations around Victoria. The kits have been designed for young adults with sensory, significant motor or cognitive disabilities so…

Adventures Abroad in Science – Canberra women discuss their experiences & research

Canberra produces some superb scientists who end up having amazing adventures in the science world. In this series of online chats you will meet women who have gone to all kinds of places around the world. Session 1: 9 AM Saturday 15 August, featuring: Gravitational wave theoretical physicist Professor Susan Scott, FAA (LIGO, US) Antarctic…

WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) 2020 Networking Night

Running since 2015, the annual WISE Networking Night is an exclusive opportunity for students to network with sponsors, industry representatives, and academics, as well as fellow peers within and outside your discipline. This year’s Networking Night will be a special ’10 Years with WISE’ edition, where we will be celebrating the past ten years of…

HERE Mapping Competition – Build an interactive map and win prizes

Digital maps are a useful tool to show the location of things, convey important messages to your audience and share a story with them. HERE Technologies is inviting you to join its mapping competition and build an online interactive map for a chance to win great prizes. Your map can be about anything… it can…

Super STEM Careers Q&A

Are you a high school student who wants to design, build or discover new things? Do you want to solve the challenges of the future? Want to know what a STEM career really looks like, and how to get there? Join us on Wednesday 4-5pm AEST for a FREE live streamed interactive Q&A to get…

Meet the Scientists – Sign Me Up! (Bunbury)

The West Australian Foundation for Deaf Children’s Meet The Scientists – Sign Me up! Auslan interpreted event aims to engage deaf and hard of hearing children aged 6 – 12 years and their siblings and peers with science, providing them with exposure to science as a career pathway, building confidence in scientific concepts and inspiring them…