Majura primary School Science Week Celebration

This week each class will participate in a science activity. There will be three sub divisions of junior/middle/upper primary. The activities will be fun and engaging and stimulating scientific thought and discussions and hopefully inspire. Activities will be devised and packs constructed to minimise teacher effort and produce activities that focus on fun and discussion….

Science Play Matters at Ravizza Playtime

Play Matters Australia is hosting a free National Science Week Playgroup at Hambledon House Community Centre, Cairns. This playgroup caters to families with children aged up to five years old and will have low-sensory activity options. Join us for a morning of science activities and lots of fun for everyone. To attend, please register for…

Science Play Matters at Start Healthy Playgroup

Play Matters Australia is hosting a free National Science Week Playgroup at Hambledon House Community Centre, Cairns. This playgroup caters to families with children aged up to five years old and will have low-sensory activity options. Join us for a morning of science activities and lots of fun for everyone. To attend, please register for…

Margaret Hendry School Innovation Challenge

Students will take part in one of three innovation challenges where they need to change something to make it the best possible: Twine Train Trouble You are in charge of a straw train, travelling over a piece of string/twine. It needs to travel 3m horizontally. How can you innovate your train to make it move…

Menzies Little Scientists

The Menzies-Ramaciotti Centre will be collaborating with Charles Darwin University to hold the Menzies Little Scientists activity as part of the Bite of Science event. The activity will provide budding young scientists the opportunity to participate in hands on activities to understand and visualise the scientific world of little things.  The Menzies Little Scientists activities will…

Eureka Talks Series: Science in the Age of Fake News

In the third Eureka Talk, join us for a thought-provoking discussion on the challenges of science communication in the age of fake news. Hosted by Australian Museum Eureka Prize founder, Robyn Williams AO, this panel discussion will explore how science and fiction can be separated and whether science is being weaponised. Our panellists include Eureka…

Talk: John Tebbutt’s Telescope – its remarkable heritage and legacy

Fred Watson, Australia’s Astronomer-at-Large, will present a fascinating talk on John Tebbutt’s historic telescope, the company that made it, and his connection with both. On 20 May 1886, the Astronomer of Windsor John Tebbutt, took delivery of his largest telescope, which is still in place at his observatory today. Bought second-hand, it is a fine…

Bininj Business Mob – Innovations on Country

Students of Nawarddeken Academy and the communities of Mamadawerre, Manmoyi and Kabulwarnamyo are looking forward to doing a deep dive to learn more about STEM careers on Country. Set within the Warddeken Indigenous Protected Area, students and community members are invited to join in the learning and build their skills and share their existing knowledge in innovations that supports…

Bininj Business Mob – Innovations on Country

Students of Nawarddeken Academy and the communities of Mamadawerre, Manmoyi and Kabulwarnamyo are looking forward to doing a deep dive to learn more about STEM careers on Country. Set within the Warddeken Indigenous Protected Area, students and community members are invited to join in the learning and build their skills and share their existing knowledge in innovations that supports…

Bininj Business Mob – Innovations on Country

Students of Nawarddeken Academy and the communities of Mamadawerre, Manmoyi and Kabulwarnamyo are looking forward to doing a deep dive to learn more about STEM careers on Country. Set within the Warddeken Indigenous Protected Area, students and community members are invited to join in the learning and build their skills and share their existing knowledge in innovations that supports…