Celebrating the first sciences of these lands, this year’s event holder booklet (2.9 MB, pdf), highlights the important contributions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander science and traditional knowledge make in understanding our world and our place in Australia. It contains examples of how science is everywhere, from the land to the skies and waterways.
The booklet also provides resources and guidance on how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and First Peoples science, can be an integral part of all National Science Week events.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scientists
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been using science and developing scientific techniques for millennia. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples practise science in all aspects of life – such as using fish traps, navigating via the stars, fire management and agriculture. The use of science and a deep understanding of the environment contribute to the longevity of cultures and knowledge systems.
With thanks to the case study contributors, Scientell, and the advisory committee members Prof Lisa Jackson Pulver AM, Dr Michael Doyle, Mr Steven Ross and Mr Corey Tutt.