Expressions of interest are invited from NSW-based event providers to deliver innovative live, online and hybrid events and activities that can be delivered as part of National Science Week that this year will run from 13 – 21 August 2022.
The purpose of this funding is to connect community members with science and technology, including in regional communities, and to enable community presenters to develop interactive science events and activities for the general public.
$5,000 grants are now open with applications due on Tuesday 15 March. Where possible, we encourage applicants to collaborate with event providers that have well established audiences e.g. libraries and regional museums.
Major event funding
In addition to the $5,000 community grants, one major event funding allocation of $25,000 is available to a suitably qualified NSW-based event provider to deliver a major event series as part of National Science Week from 13 – 21 August.
The purpose of this funding is to support the delivery of a high-profile National Science Week campaign that includes interactive, live and virtual science events and activities that showcase the achievements of NSW scientists.
The proposed event series should target the general public. While this funding is not intended to support projects specifically targeting school students, a schools’ component is acceptable alongside substantial general public activity.
Application process
Applications must be submitted by 15 March, and follow the guidelines and use the application form. A sub-committee comprising members of the NSW Executive Committee for National Science Week and Inspiring Australia will assess the applications according to the published criteria.
Applicants that receive funding from the national grants program administered by AusIndustry are ineligible for these funds.
Guidelines and application forms are available from Inspiring NSW.
Why get involved?
National Science Week is a chance for science and technology experts to connect with the community. With thousands of audiences looking for ways to find out about cutting edge research, hundreds of event organisers facilitating family-friendly events and a national publicity campaign underway, National Science Week presents a great opportunity for scientific researchers of all kinds to promote the value and relevance of their work and inspire the next generation of scientists.
In 2021, STEM colleagues across NSW presented 441 experiences in National Science Week. With Inspiring Australia’s support, and the participation of 250+ partners, more than 179,000 people engaged in 239 virtual science experiences that explored the work of 300+ scientists and science communicators.
Interested? Now’s the time to start planning how you will celebrate National Science Week. Get involved by developing event ideas or by joining forces with libraries, museums or our network of NSW Regional Science Hubs.
You can also participate in large events being delivered across Sydney including in museums, parks and gardens managed by the Australian Museum, the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney and Centennial Parklands. Please subscribe to Inspiring Australia NSW’s monthly news alert to find out about opportunities by sending an email.
Feature image shows UTS researcher Dr Carmine Gentile who presented a National Science Week event in 2021.