National Science Week officially ended on the 19th but not for many places all over Australia. Tassie has events on until early September.
A discussion on the Square Kilometre Array will be held this Tuesday, August 21 at UTAS Sandy Bay campus. Thanks to events like the Mars Curiosity rover mission and television shows like The Big Bang Theory, more people than ever are interested in what is happening in the cosmos. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the biggest radio telescope comprising over 10,000 antennas linked together and spanned hundreds of kilometres, will be built in Australasia and Southern Africa. It will enable us to probe the edges of our Universe in search for answers to fundamental questions in physics and astronomy.
A free eco-documentary, A Thousand Invisible Cords, has nearly booked out its second screening at the State Cinema. Find out if an entire landscape be changed by changing one gene in one plant or animal but hurry as tickets are going very fast.
Friday, we have National Numeracy Ambassador Simon Pampena bringing maths to the masses with his comedy show, The Fame Algorithm. What’s the secret to fame and fortune? Looks? Talent? Opportunity? Not anymore. In today’s world you need to know MATHS. Pampena takes the guesswork out of modern fame with his own formula for success, and demonstrates that even simple maths can explain world-wide success!
Sunday, the University of Tasmania is having an Open Day state-wide including a Science Talent Search and a talk on Tasmanian Devil Conservation . Check out the UTAS website for downloadable programs. The Australian Maritime College and the Mt Pleasant Observatory also have open days.
We hope you’re enjoying all the great events on offer this year.
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