Keep up to date on all the latest Science Week info
The South Australian Community Grants are open to any individual, community group, organisation, business, industry or university to help celebrate science. The grants should assist in bringing ...
Applications for the 2022 National Science Week WA grants are open until 18 April. Both small and mid-tier grants are being offered to organisations wishing to run an event for National Science ...
Congratulations to the 35 recipients of National Science Week grants for 2022. Minister for Science and Technology The Hon Melissa Price MP said “Science plays a huge part in our daily life, even ...
Deadline extension: now 11 April due to the recent flooding in SE Queensland. The Queensland National Science Week Coordinating Committee is offering grants up to $5,000 for activities delivered ...
Grants are now open for National Science Week in the ACT. The local coordinating committee are looking for fun and engaging events to be delivered in person, online or in a hybrid style. Grants ...
Expressions of interest are invited from NSW-based event providers to deliver innovative live, online and hybrid events and activities that can be delivered as part of National Science Week that ...
The Victorian National Science Week Coordinating Committee invite libraries, community organisations and individuals to apply for seed funding to run a public event, activity or program during ...
Inspiring and innovative science projects fit for all ages are being sought from the Northern Territory community for National Science Week in 2022. National Science Week will run from 13 - 21 ...
The grant round for National Science Week 2022 is open for applications until 5.00pm AEDT Thursday 21 October 2021. Grants between $2000 - $20,000 will be awarded and can support in-person events ...
Calling all Ken Behrens! Having somewhat recovered from the 'excitement' of a territory-wide lockdown being announced right as the official launch for National Science Week kicked off, we are ...