Keep up to date on all the latest Science Week info
See how much CO2 you could save with just one change to your lifestyle. If you want to do something about climate change but aren’t sure where to start, the ABC Science Carbon Counter can help ...
Is science enough? Just how many sustainability superheroes will it take to save the planet? We are living in an era of change, a new dawn of time where humanity’s impact on earth is more ...
With science week about to start, Melbourne University Publishing has an exciting pack to entice curious minds. To order your pack for $100, email Dominika. In Sentinel Chickens, through personal ...
Canberrans and Northern Territorians are being encouraged to beam a message to Australia and the globe via space for the world’s largest ever Satellite Selfie. As part of National Science Week, ...
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, National Science Week takes an innovative twist this year, offering a smorgasbord of online events. New South Wales Chief Scientist & Engineer Professor Hugh ...
In the NT, events will be delivered by universities, schools, research institutions, indigenous ranger groups, libraries and community organisations. This year's online community grants have ...
This year’s online National Science Week events will be evaluated by a team of academic researchers at the University of Sydney. Help them analyse the effectiveness of online science engagement ...
ANSTO has planned a series of engaging online activities, including Australia’s first environment-themed hackathon for school students to celebrate National Science Week. “You might not be ...
This year National Science Week includes a variety of events that you can take part in from the comfort of your own home. The Week features over 30 different local events. “There are events for ...
In place of the usual competitive financial grants selection process, all applicants to the 2020 school grants program have received an activity card-based system to use in National Science Week ...