Keep up to date on all the latest Science Week info
It’s a wrap! National Science Week 2019 has officially come to an end. And all across Australia, we’ve scienced hard! (Note that although Science Week has officially finished, there are still ...
We have squeezed so much inspiring science into the last nine days during National Science Week it has been mesmerising. In fact, so much, that it has spilled out and is threatening to turn ...
As National Science Week 2019 draws to a close, we’ve found time to look back over the past week of activities (in between attending events of course) and reflect on the diversity and variety ...
The first ReShape the World forum for young people interested in sustainability and in helping to address environmental challenges will be held during National Science Week. Registrations are now ...
NATIONAL SCIENCE WEEK TO HIGHLIGHT PLASTIC PROBLEM ON AUSTRALIAN ISLANDS Dr Jennifer Lavers of the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and Adrift Lab, will be speaking on the ...
On Argyle Street in Hobart there is a large art piece, spray painted using stencils. It features Tasmania’s only Nobel Prize winner, Professor Emerita Elizabeth Blackburn, and images inspired by ...
National Science Week has already been astronomical with hundreds and hundreds of events taking place all around the country. And given 2019 is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission and ...
So, what did you see? Which ones did you get to? Wait, what? Still on your “to do” list?!? Never fear, there are still lots of interesting and mind-broadening experiences to discover during the ...
Scientists want to know the things that make you go “aha!”. Throughout August, researchers from the University of Melbourne are conducting a country-wide citizen science project to better ...
National Science Week is all about celebrating science and technology in Australia. It provides an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of Australian scientists to the world of knowledge. ...