Keep up to date on all the latest Science Week info
Do you have a great idea for an event in the ACT for this year’s National Science Week? Have you always wanted to host an event but not been sure where to start? Applications are now open for ...
The Western Australian Coordinating Commitee for National Science Week is offering seed grants in 2019 for activities to be held during National Science Week in August (activities encompasses an ...
The 2019 NSW National Science Week Grants program is now open. Support is available for events presented by NSW Regional Science Hubs as part of National Science Week and also for events that ...
The Unsung Hero Awards of South Australian Science are a joint initiative of National Science Week SA and the Australian Science Communicators SA (ASCSA), and are administered by National Science ...
The South Australia Community Event Grants Program supports SA community groups, organisations and businesses in celebrating science during National Science Week. South Australian Community ...
Here is everything you need to know to hold an event in 2019. National Science Week is 10‐18 of August this year but events usually go all month! Holding an event is a great way to grow your ...
The Victorian Science Week Coordinating Committee warmly invites everyone interested in being a part of National Science Week celebrations in Victoria to come along to our information and ...
The Victorian National Science Week Coordinating Committee invite you to apply for seed funding to run a public event, activity or program during National Science Week 2019 (10 – 18 August).
Whether you are planning an event in August specifically for National Science Week or you are hosting an event with some great science, technology, engineering, arts, and/or maths (STEAM) angles, ...
If you're in Tasmania, we have some fabulous networking events for you. If you're in the science sphere in Tassie or interested in holding science, tech, engineering and maths (STEM) related ...