Keep up to date on all the latest Science Week info
National Science Week may be over for another year ?, but there are still lots of opportunities to get involved in science. Teachers, maybe you’re looking for some inspiration from National ...
Attention teachers, parents, and students: What's on offer in Tassie for schools in 2020? LOTS! Check out our guide and get excited for #scienceweek! Welcome to National Science Week 2020 - ...
In place of the usual competitive financial grants selection process, all applicants to the 2020 school grants program have received an activity card-based system to use in National Science Week ...
Get students deep diving into Stile's National Science Week Escape Room! Set in a submarine in the dark, cold waters near Antarctica, students are presented with a scenario where the submarine's ...
Join the Street Science team for spectacular shows as students are taken on a journey through the depths of our oceans as we explore the impacts of modern technology and scientific discoveries on ...
How many rubber bands does it take to implode a watermelon? The Big Watermelon Experiment is a mass science experiment for school students, that seeks to find the answer to this not so pressing ...
The Marine Team! celebrates the National Science Week schools’ theme, Deep Blue: innovations for the future of our oceans and explores marine science and innovation to achieve long-term ...
LAUNCH TO THE FUTURE! A STEM Story is an exciting, fact filled, science sketch comedy presentation that focuses on how space programs and lunar science propel us into the future using STEM! ...
Thank you to each and every one of the 460 Australian schools who applied for National Science Week school grants. It is fantastic to have such a huge interest in running activities in schools ...
Move It Day is a fun way for students to learn the importance of spinal movements through interactive and educational activities during National Science Week. All you need to do is choose a day, ...