Keep up to date on all the latest Science Week info
Today's poem is from Law and Impulse: maths and chemistry poems, published by The Poets Union for National Science Week 2010. Mark O'Flynn The Allotropes of Tin [For Roy Tasker] From the sublime ...
We need science. It’s part of our lives – all day, every day and everywhere – in the food we eat, clothes we wear, medicine we ingest, money we spend and devices we use. Science is so deeply ...
We're partnering with Australian Poetry to present the inaugural Australian Poetry Science Poetry Prize. Submissions for the prize opened this morning and will be open until Friday 23 August ...
Science prodigy Jack Andraka – who developed a pancreatic, ovarian, and lung cancer early-detection sensor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine when he was just 15 years old - will share his ...
Discover why wine and chocolate are just so good for you at The Science of Wine and Chocolate, the regional launch of National Science Week in Queensland. The Cobb+Co Museum Toowoomba will ...
On 5 August 2013 the government assumed a Caretaker role, with an election to be held 7 September 2013. Information on the National Science Week website will be published in accordance with the ...
Crowd-sourcing will contribute to marine research when National Science Week invites citizen scientists to take part in Explore the Seafloor and help marine scientists with their work. Throughout ...
Our app for finding events has now been released.There are versions for both the iPhone and iPad. Public events uploaded to this website automatically appear in the app. The app has a calendar of ...
Flames, explosions and loud bangs are just some of some spectacular science demonstrations at the School of Chemistry, UTAS, to launch National Science Week tomorrow - or should that be National ...
If you like your science coated in chocolate and imbued with wine, or if you're interested in how antioxidants can lead to better health, then 'Radical Wine & Chocolate', the National Science ...